Hello, Officer. Can I Not Help You?

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Winter break.

It was finally here.

Junior exited the bus then breathed in the clean air with spread arms -- that was, until the bus, along with some other trucks, puffed gas exhaust into his face.

He coughed over exaggeratedly, trying to rid his lungs of the highly undesirable and hazardous particles.

He'd already inhaled it, though.

Welp, oh well.

Junior trudged down the crooked concrete sidewalk. The tree roots revealed themselves arrogantly. Some sections formed a concave surface, while others failed to fully constrain with its neighboring parts.

He checked out a nearby street sign for Heather Heights. Luckily for him, he was just opposite the neighborhood which he believed to be Henri's.

Inhaling a deep yet excited breath (with a protective hand covering his nose, of course), he j-walked down the street.

"Hey, kid!" A stern voice suddenly sounded.

Junior knew better than to to turn. The cars could arrive any moment now.

He hurried across before turning back to spot the culprit.

But the only person he saw was a man in a black uniform walking quickly towards him with buff arms.

It WaS a PoLiCeMaN.

Well, holy shit, Junior cursed to himself.

He could've posed as a little kid, but his hair wasn't very convincing.

Quick, quick what to do?

Junior quickly pulled on his hood.

Thank goodness for the cold weather.

"Hey, kid, where's your parents?" The police officer automatically asked as he soon as he approached the guile Junior. "Are you lost?"

"Ah...yes, Mr. Policeman,"  Junior spoke with the child voice he'd somehow managed to maintain all these years. "... but my older brother made me write down our address. We're new," Junior lied. He then showed the police officer Henri's address.

"Oh, Weather Heights! This is Heather Heights, son!" The police officer chuckled goodheartedly, then patting Junior's head.

Junior flinched before he made contact.

"Oh, sorry, sonny," the police officer apologized, quickly retreating back his hand. "Now let me take you there. You don't mind foot, right?"

Junior nodded a bit too excitedly.

But you couldn't possibly blame him.

For he was soon going to see Henri Cole.


"William Yoongi Cheshire."

Daniel looked at him confusedly.


He reached out for the boy's collars, but the boy stumbled back before Daniel could make contact.

How interesting...why did the boy seem so desperate to not make contact? It was out of fear...but of a different kind of fear...of what?

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