The pup

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The two boys were gone and we were the only two left.

"Where's mom? " I asked and watched Rose cleaning the table.

"With dad at some old folks' party." Rose answered.

"You know about the pup problem." I began and Rose handed me a plate of brownie after she finished cleaning.

"What about it?" She asked.

"I think, I might have seen it." Rose's eyes went wide.

"Where? How? We need to tell them." She said and almost ran to the door.

"No! Rose please wait. I'll explain everything and if you think we still need to tell them, we will." I said and pulled Rose to sit on the sofa.

"After the concert, I met Blake and his other two friends but things didn't actually turned well. He wanted to reject me and I was sad and angry that in the end, I was the one who rejected him. I was heartbroken and wanted to go somewhere far away. At that time, I thought you guys didn't care for me if I was gone. So I didn't came home." I said and closed my eyes. The pain was still there.

"Tell me about it. Mom and dad were panicking. They taught you were dead but Ben calmed them down when he said that the bond was still there and we could still feel you." Rose explained.

"I'm sorry." I looked away, feeling ashamed.

"You don't have too. We should be the one apologizing." Rose stated and hugged me.

"So back to the story. I woke up the next morning and there was this little pup. I told him to shift but he didn't know how. My wolf told me that it was rare to see a pup in a wolf form at a young age." I explained.

"He must have been so scared that he forced the shift." Rose stated.

"Maybe. And then we were attack by rogues. I was knocked down but before they could kill us both, Blake and the others came." I said and I could see Rose smiling.

"Knight in shining armor scene. Nice. Always the perfect way to steal a girl's heart." Rose smirked.

"More like Knight in furry armor. Anyway, they brought me and the pup to a diner for breakfast but then Jason the Jerk had to ruin everything." I said in frustration.

"What did he do?"

"He told me that mom and dad were selling my stuff because they didn't want me and he said I was a whore because I was wearing a guy shirt. And the sprinkles were that he kissed me and slapped me. For the cherry, Blake didn't do anything and so I ran." I spat out the hatred and the devastation from the memory.

"You were in a guy shirt?" Rose asked.

"Seriously? I said that I got slapped but all you could be bother to ask was what I was wearing. And yes I was wearing a guy shirt to be more specific I was wearing Blake's. After, the chase with the rogues I was too tired and unconsciously shifted. Leaving me naked and Blake went all possessive over me. So he gave me his. Happy now?" I answered and she nodded with a big smirk.

"Completely. Then what happen? Where's the pup?" Rose questioned.

"Ahh.. After I ran, I kind of forgotten about it." I fidgeted.

"You what?" Rose yelled.

"But don't worry. The pup is in good hands." I said with a small whisper of 'I hope.'

"I hope so! The pup is very important. It's the Alpha's son from the Green Forest Pack." Rose stated.

"What? Oh my gosh! If anything happens to that pup-"

"If anything happens but don't worry. You said it's in good and capable hands." Rose cuts me off.

"But if something does happen, it means war!" I whisper yelled and shook Rose.

"We have to contact Blake and get the pup back! If they caught him with Blake, they might think he kidnapped the pup and he would end up dead." I squeaked the last part.

"Relax. You'll meet him. Remember the tickets?" Rose said and knocked on my skull.

"I totally forgotten about it. Thank you Tom!" I yelled and kissed hard on Rose's cheek.

"Anyway, I think we should tell them about it. It might lessen their worries and you never know, they might consider your mate a hero." Rose disappeared to the kitchen.

"I'll tell them. I'm the one who is also involve in this mess. I should better go and explain to them." I told Rose and she just gave a quick 'Yeah'.


Sorry if this is too short.

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