~C h a p t e r 20~

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After knowing Harry, I've come to realize how much of an amazing cuddler he is. 

All I want to do all the time is wrap myself in his strong arms and listen to his heartbeat, talking about measly pointless things. He is so comfy and warm, it's like he's my personal bed. It's a weird comparison but in my opinion it is 100% correct. Harry and I spent the rest of the day in bed while I nursed Harry back to health. Just the thought of why I had to nurse him back to health got my heart racing and my mind reeling-what if the accident was even worse? Gulping down any worry I had, I snuggled closer to Harry to keep my mind off worse conclusions that were clouding my brain. 

"What's on your mind Love?" He mumbled, pressing his lips behind my ear, making me shiver. His arms squeezed me tighter to his currently bare chest, nuzzling his nose in my recently washed hair. 

"Nothing is on my mind," I said a bit too quickly to both his and my liking. He scoffed, turning me over so he could fully see me. His eyes were so green today, and it made my heart leap in my chest. 

"I don't believe that for a second," He replied, clicking his tongue and rolling his eyes. I sheepishly smiled as I immediately felt small. 

"I was just thinking about what could've happened," I muttered, averting my gaze and playing with the hem of my t-shirt. It took him a couple seconds to realize what I was talking about, and when he did he pulled me impossibly closer to his chest. 

"Halie you don't have to think like that because I'm right here, fine and dandy. Sure, the accident scarred me for life and I don't want to think about getting behind the wheel any time soon," I giggled softly at his statement, "I'm out of the hospital with barely a scratch on me." He kissed me swiftly on the lips, making me smile instantly. "Chin up beautiful." 

And just like that, I was fine again. 

Rapid knocking on the spare bedroom door pulled us from almost falling asleep again. "I hope you guys aren't busy!" Louis shouted from the other side of the door, and Harry groaned, causing me to tiredly chuckle in his chest. "Niall and I ordered Chinese takeaway so come out before it gets eaten by our own personal pig-"

"Hey! Louis you dick!" I burst into a fit of laughter, covering my mouth with my hand. 

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving," Harry stated, rolling out of bed and leaving me with a cold rush of air. I automatically shivered. The air was soon rushed out of me in surprise as I was picked up and carried bridal style through the door and down the hall to the kitchen, where my stomach immediately growled at the smell of Chinese stir fry. 

"Oh thank God Niall didn't eat all of it," Harry sighed in relief, and Niall literally got up from his seat at the table and smacked him on the head, then sat back down as if nothing happened. 

"Ass," Harry muttered, rubbing the spot where Niall hit him. I brushed my fingers through his curls to make him feel better. Noticing the slump of his shoulders and the ragged breathing, I knew I was doing a good job.

  I helped myself to some Chinese and sat next to Harry at Louis' dining table, where everyone else was seated. Louis was sitting at the head chair, acting as if he had something to announce. Apparently he did. 

"Halie, I am sorry to inform you the next statement," Louis started, using his "boss man" voice, which meant he made his voice go an octave deeper, which always made me laugh. "One Direction are going on a small tour next week, and we will sadly be leaving your amazing presence." I stopped breathing for a second, because I didn't think this was going to be a serious announcement. But it was, and I instantly reached for Harry's hand. "It's only for 2 weeks Hales don't get your panties in a twist." I scrunched up my nose at the word he used, rolling my eyes. 

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