1: Socially Awkward!

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Oh hiiyaah! Just note that I'm not from America! So don't anything about "High School" & "credits" and anything. :( ANYWAY I tried my best yeah? So read and share? 
Trailer & Claire on the side!

1: Socially Awkward!

Hi, I'm Claire. Claire Silva. I'm seventeen, senior year. Well, there's nothing to say really about me. I'm average....atleast I think.

Well actually I'm not shy but just hate attention! I don't have any friends....like NO friends. I'm the one who sits in the back of the class. I'm not ugly, I just don't like attention. I dress pretty well, skinny jeans, cute top and a cute jacket, oh good shoes ofcourse, well I also wear hats, covering my face, I also like reading books. So I always have my nose stuck up in my book. But I'm not a nerd! I'm average, quiet and to myself! You know people who are quiet have a brain full of thoughts? Yeah, I'm like that...

So in school, I just get on with my work. In lunch I sit in either a class room, the library, a bench out or I just find somewhere quiet to sit. I'm actually a good learner, a lot of A's a few B's but no C's. But I doubt the teachers know me, even though I have good grades, sad! Actually I bet no-one in the school knows me, how sad.

Home, home is crazy! Actually I'm loud at home, I guess that's what makes home crazy. Actually it's probably me and my twin. I have a twin, twin brother, Clarke. Clarke at school is like one of those jocks, yes, he's one of those stereoytypical jocks, plays with girls, but he does it easy. Why doesn't he stay with me at school for? I could easily be popular but I don't want to. Clarke always asks me to hang with him and his friends but I always refuse, I also told him not to tell anyone we're brothers and sister, I mean I don't want any trouble in school, like exes, newbies, and the rest. Clarke, is mostly out, partying, with his new toy, hanging with his friends or at football practice. At home Clark and I are always singing, joking, fighting, and well hanging around...loudly!

Our parents? Well, my mom is super crazy! She still acts like a teenager. She is really girly, so am I. Mom doesn't like dirt around the house, I mean she is super co-ordinated! Like colours, our living room is full of creams, whites, browns and black, and also the food in out cabnits it's in alphabetical order. Wait, crazy doesn't stop there...when she was 20 she used to be a local race car driver and sometimes ride and race with bikes! At 25 she became a doctor, like imagine this, a doctor, who drives a motor cycle/race car, who is super girly, young mom, yeah crazy is my mom who I love. She is also my bestfriend, actually that's Clarke, dad is also my bestfriend too... Wow,my family is my bestfriend, I don't have any real friends, actually for me thats good.

Our mom gave birth to us when she was 16, I know. Well she was basically drunk at a party, and thats where my dad comes in. Won't go into any details about that, ew. Anyway, dad was mom's bestfriend, well one of, when they were small, turns out they were both in love, aw! My grandparents, both sides, were happy. They were actually saying, 'We don't care that your pregnant, we're just happy that you both are finally together!' Course they got in trouble about getting drunk and mom getting pregnant...Anyway everyone was happy.

My dad is awesome! Obviously I'm daddy's little girl, well I'm the only one... Anywho, dad when he was in school used to be a bad boy. Haha, I still laugh at that! He still is kind of one, well he's a docotr then again he's a engineer! Weird, but he also used to race! Well actually that's acceptable for a bad boy, where as my mom was girly.

I love being around my family, I hate school sometimes though. When I go shopping, I like to do it with mom. When I do it with Clarke or dad they disapprove everything. So anyway, out I still like hanging by myself.

So there you have me, normal, average, a big minded seventeen year old, with a big mind. Okay maybe I have a big mouth too, which I should learn to keep shut. Considering what happend at school...

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