Saffron & Clarke POV

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Saffron & Clarke POV


"Clarke you bloody asshole!" I hissed crossing my arms. "Everyone is downstairs and anyone can easily quickly come so I'm going to be quick with this," I started.

We were still at Cassandra's house, weirdo Fox insisted that we'd stay. Hmph! Well it is seriously awkward and annoying you know?

I mean Clarke's here. Asshole.

"Finally, I've been trying to reach you for the past... Week!" he emphasised throwing his arms up.

I felt so mad and angry.

I'm really mangry.

I don't like him.

And Claire is another little weirdo if she thinks I'm going to end up with him.

Everyone's weird. End of.

"Look, last week was an accident and a mistake. We can't let that accident out and you can't mention it to anyone!" I threatened.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "We can't talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about?!" I whispered exclaiming a little. "Nothing. It was nothing--"

"Really? Because sex means a lot to girls! Especially their first time Saffron," he stated. It was the first time ever her actually used my name, and I didn't know how to feel because the topic seemed serious.

Fine it was serious and I really wanted to bang my head now. 

Tears of anger blurred my eyes, "You're right! The first time does mean something to everyone! I wanted mine to be on my wedding night, not some one night stand you throw away! Last Friday was an utter mistake and I don't want you to speak a word of this to anyone!" I wiped them away. Hell no, I only cry when something cute happens or someone or something dies...

Rest in peace Annie my beautiful ant.

Anyway, I was drunk and so was he, all I can remember was going to a party and drinking. Next morning I woke up naked next to a naked Clarke.

We had done the deed.

And I felt so sore. I literally ran home and sat in the bath with ice-cream and depressing music till I looked like an old shrivelled up apple. Which is why I became ill the next day. Hah.

"It didn't mean anything to you?!" he asked scoffing.

"No! And I don't remember it so no!" That was a lie, I remember flashes of it, I could've stopped ot but I didn't. I don't like drunk me especially around him. For some reason I'm always with him everytime I'm tipsy!

"Are you seriously acting like a bitch?!" he asked coming closer and running a hand through his hair in frustration.

I punched his on the chest. "You're the bitch!" I whispered in horror. How dare he?!

He laughed sarcastically, "You know what?" he asked. "I'm going to forget about it!"

"Well good..." I said crossing my arms again. Suddenly all of the anger literally floated away replaced by...hurt?

No. I don't get hurt.

I'm guarded by books and emotions.

The only thing I'd ever get hurt by is if someone threw a dictionary at me.

Yeah that would hurt.

Actually an encyclopedia book would hurt more, I mean the size of them!

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