26: Awkward Lemon

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26: Awkward Lemon

The next week literally passed in a blur. During the week at school, we had organised a dance battle, and a battle of the bands. This may seem mean but we also did, "Guess the weight of the janitor", the winner was some kid in freshman year who was one off, 308 pound he weighed, winning a twenty dollar voucher for ice-cream! Haha we are so cheap.

I had succeeded in avoiding Kyle, the only time we talked was in the club, even when he wanted to talk I'd just run off! Saff and Clarke were getting along well... And so were Nicole and Fox...who were mostly bickering.

Austin and Cassandra? I think some old sparks may have rekindled.

It's Fox's birthday today, the first basketball match of the season, and also Austin's first basketball match. Wow. Not the mention Fox's secret 18th birthday party which is being thrown in a house which Kyle's parents so kindly are providing.

I gave Austin a thumbs up as he took a big gulp of water, 68:30 baby we are winning by a mile! Did I mention our Austin scored 18, Fox 19, Jacob 9 and Max another 11. Not to mention Vicki and Tori were sitting next to where their boyfriends kept stopping, also by Kyle and Clarke.

Cassandra and her possy were cheering for the whole team and Fox, well byatches, just to let you know Austin in co-cap!

"Get up," I instructed Nicole and Saff.

"Why?" the both asked together.

I crossed my arms, "We are cheering for Fox," I smirked. They both had identical smirks to mine and got up. The whistle blew again, "Go on Austin!"

"We love you!" Nicole screamed.

Saff cheered, "Number one fans here!"

Austin laughed at us as he started dribbling the ball. "Austin, Austin here we go!" Then I clapped three times. "Austin, Austin here we go!" I clapped again three times then Saff and Nicole began to join me. "Austin, Austin here we go!" we cheered at the top of our voices. His parents were in the front and looked at us admirably and also started to join us. Before we knew it, the whole team was cheering for him. "Austin, Austin here we go!"

However through all the cheering I didn't miss the glare Cassandra was throwing my way, mission accomplished.

But I also noticed someone else's glare, Kyle. And I don't frigging know why. Pig.

Looking at Fox I felt bad, he's the captain and it's his birthday. Slowly everyone began to stop chanting for Austin and started cheering every now and then when we scored.

Again I got up, oh the things I do for people. "Hey Fox it's your birthday! Score now so we can part-ay! Fox, Fox throw the ball in! Own these losers in our gym!" I cheered, and people stared in awe, then cheered.

I sunk down back in my seat embarrassed, but Fox threw me a thumbs up and gave me a poke of the tongue.

Why thank you. The rest of the game better go smoothly.

* . * . *

I smiled at the sight in front of me, Fox has a lot of amazing friends and people in his life... Unless they are all here to party. Pigs.

We decided that Nicole would take Fox somewhere while the rest of us helped. Obviously Saff, Austin and I offered and they gladly took it. However I didn't think they'd actually make us do it. I thought wrong.

The room had a big banner saying Happy 18th Birthday Fox, the rest of the room had a few pictures of Fox on the wall while there were a few balloons. Then there was this huge table with gifts, enough to provide the whole of the UK with Christmas presents.

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