42: Cue Awkwardness...

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Cue Awkwardness...

"Mom! Mom!" I hissed. "Please don't!" I said pushing her hands away. She kept hugging me and kissing me while saying how proud she was of me. Then she put some make up on me...urgh. Thankfully it was basic.

Did I forget to mention that mom and dad were supposed to be dropping us off in school? Us being Clarke and I? Dropping meaning they're still here!

They forced us.

"I know..." she sighed sadly. "I'm just proud okay? Now go!" she said pushing me away with tears in her eyes.

Clarke rolled his eyes trying to pry dad off, "Yeah just watch us on TV!" he said glaring at dad because his hair was now a mess.

Dad sighed, "Will do my beautiful children! "

Clarke and I looked at each other, a look that said, "well okaaay...awkwaard." I think my parents had too much sugar, I honestly don't know what their problem is. Or what their mental state is...

"Well bye," I said hopping out of the car. "Remember if my voice gets lost on stage, I blame it on you guys for making me talk!" I reminded with a wave as they left.

I let out a shaky breath scared and nervous of my speech today. "You'll be okay sis," Clarke smiled putting an arm over my shoulder.

I bit my lip and nodded.

* . * . *

Yeah it's never too late to back out! I mean c'mon Claire. There's thousands of people in front of you, you're going to be on national television... One mistake and you're committing social suicide.

I mean you're up on stage with the other seven so that's got to be a plus right?

No! Because I'm the only one who's talking!

To yourself?

Shut up brain!

I looked at Saffron, "I can't do this!" I whispered hesitant. "There's too many people and I just can't!" I whispered. It felt like a zoo had exploded in my stomach, the bad kind.

She sent me a reassuring smile, "You're just mixing up all your feelings! Claire, you've been so on top and so confident these past few weeks. Now all of a sudden this Kyle thing happens and your confidence is knocked back down?" she asked.

I started shaking my leg, something I do when I'm nervous. "I'm scared..."

"Don't be!" she said hugging me.

Princaple Smith began to clear his throat and tap on to the mic. "It's starting!" I whisper cried getting nervous again.

She put a hand on my shoulder and just gave another reassuring smile.

I just couldn't concentrate! I mean there was a camera and a bigger fluffy mic! Oh no...

"Good morning Lawson High!" he greeted earning cheers. "This assembly is quite an important one. At the start of the year we had received very important news stating that Lawson High students weren't allowed to go outside for break or lunch. The school was fined with fifty-thousand dollars after five delinquents broke in a shop and stole goods."

He paused for a moment, "There was nothing we could do but cut facilities down. Outrageous with this, one certain young lady decided to stand up for herself and the school for well...justice!" he laughed. Some people stared at me also laughing while I buried my face in my palms embarrassed. "That lady is Claire Victoria Silva! Along with seven other gifted students, they raised fifty one thousand and a half dollars within three months for the school. So now give it up for her!" he said as people broke into applause and cheers.

One Awkward Year!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz