40: I'm Awkward Sometimes...

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40: I'm Awkward Sometimes...

After the incident I went home and just sat there on my bed, just thinking and replaying the moment over and over in my head.

Sunday I tried my best to act like everything was okay, I failed. In the end I told my parents it was because Dexter had come with the warning yesterday. I don't know what they were going to do now, but I know they had something planned.

Sunday also being family day, we had to go to Vicki's house today. Everyone noticed my weird behaviour but didn't question on it. Brent however mouthed Kyle's name to me and I nodded. He knew then to drop ot and ask no more further questions.

Clarke however didn't.

After we went home Clarke called me up to his room. I slowly motionlessly went up.

"Sit down sis," he said not greeting me.

I nodded and just jumped on his bed lying down. He sent a small smile and sat next to me. "You okay?" I asked snuggling his pillow.

"I'm good, and you?" he asked lying down.

"Good..." This was a new Clarke, a different Clarke... A caring Clarke?

I didn't want to see his face so I closed my eyes knowing he probably had a questioning look on his face.

"Claire bear?" he asked pulling me up.

"Whaaaaaat?" I mimicked getting up and crossing my legs.

"What happened between you and Kyle?" he asked frowning a little.

I scoffed, "Nothing! He's just weird and so am I."

He raised his eyebrows, "Are you kidding me? My best friend and my sister, the one's who I've been rooting for since kindergarten decided to pick a fight over the trash bag Paige?!" he asked getting up.

He shook his head as he walked around, almost as if he were getting the mental image out.

I groaned, "It's not just that!" I pointed out. "Besides...how do you know?" I asked getting curious, interested and freaked out.

"Kyle told me after I beat it out of him..." he dismissed, I gasped. "Yeah nothing but a purple nurple," he shrugged off. "I mean he was so vulnerable and soft that I also found out he took twenty bucks off of me!" he frowned crossing his arms.

"That's Kyle for you..." I mumbled smiling faintly.

"Anyway not the point!" He took a deep breath, "What happened? I've always wanted you guys to go out, that's why I've left him alone for the past few months, so he could finally make a move on you," he admitted.

I weakly smiled, "Funny. I tried pushing my feelings away from him because you'll disprove...but you approve." Thinking about it just gives me a headache. "Say,why not Fox and me?" I asked curiously laughing a little.

He looked at me flatly and got his phone out, "Look," he instructed. There was a video of Fox in the mall with Nicole on top of one of those baby car rides, people we staring as they were cheering and cursing as to why it was so slow. "That was the day before..." he pointed out flatly.

I laughed but it came out as more of a strain. Probably sounded dumb then.

"So?" he asked. "Honestly what happened?" he asked taking concern again.

I didn't know where to start as there was so much and things that I shouldn't even say. I also needed to get this off of my chest, during this situation, Clarke was the best to tell.

"We're friends, there were moments where we could have kissed but didn't. Then he acts like nothing happened. When we go into serious conversations about feelings, he always shrugs it off as nothing and makes a joke to clear it up."

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