5: Awkward, I Checked Out My Best Friend!

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5: Awkward, I Checked Out My Best Friend!

"So, how was money collecting with Nicole then?" Saffron asked linking her arm through mine.

"Very fun! I mean we raised A LOT! But yeah it was great, she's easy to talk to, she's fun, funny..." I listed.

Austin wiped away fake tears, "I am offended, replacing us?"

"No, shut up! I could never replace you two idiots!" I said hugging them, well basically around the waist. "Damn! Austin do you work out?" his waist and stomach was quite hard!

"Uh, Saffron how was it with you and Cassandra?" he said changing the subject. Well I'll bring it back up later!

"She is so bossy, I bossed her back though! I mean we didn't even collect much as she kept messing about and interrupting me whenever I talked to someone!" she said annoyed. "Let me tell you what, there was this REALLY REALLY cute guy like our age and it was my turn to talk. When Cassandra saw him she pushed me out of the way and started chatting him up! What a backstabber!"

I just gave a annoyed sigh, but Austin looked hurt. "Well Nicole and I chatted up a few guys for money then ditched them! Like there was this one guy in his forties yeah, Nicole was proper flirting and touching him he gave us twenty-five dollars! Then she said "grab your jacket so we can have some fun at mine." I swear the look on his face was so perverted! We then ran for it!" I laughed. I had tears falling down my face when we had doen that!

Austin tsked and slapped a hand to his forehead, "Claire! Do you know how dangerous that is?" he scolded.

I ignored him, "I got money!" I sang.

"Yeah Claire that was quite dangerous!" Saffron exclaimed. "Scratch that--VERY dangerous!"

"So what? What's the worst he can do? I mean my parents are docors, I fight a little, I have lots of male cousins..." I trailed. 

Austin and Saffron still sighed at me. "So we're here...at the mall...what're we doing first?" Saffron asked looking around.

"See if you two are going to have a make over...the glasses, well your glasses are a big problem," I frowned. "No-offence!" I said quickly composing myself.

Austin wined holding onto the frames,"But I like my glasses!"

"Same!" Saffron cried also holding onto her frame.

"I don't care...well actually, glasses are in right now, it depends okay?" I said pulling them to the glasses shop. "Hi!" I said to the receptionist.

"Hello there, How may I help you?" she asked smiling.

"My friends here, Saffron Chambers and Austin Grey well they need new glasses or maybe contacts," I said pointing at them, they were both uncomfortably sitting on two chairs. "They are already registered here..." I trailed.

"Okay, they'll need to have their eye's tested first and then they can choose their glasses or contacts," she said typing on the computer.

"Great, thank you." I smiled. 

About an hour later...

The lady smiled at Saffron and Austin, "So pick your glasses out while I get your lenses."

They both went to go pick their new glasses out. I waited... Saffron squealed pulling out red circular frames, "Ooou! How does this look!" 

"Oh my god! Look your not looking for something out of the 80's! Your looking for something that's IN right now," Then I started scanning the variety glasses. "Perfect!" I said it was a square/rectangular black rimmed one with a few diamonds on the side, it's in right now.

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