31: Awkward Meeting

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31: Awkward Meeting

"And sir you're alright with this?" I asked Princaple Smith in shock. "This is sexist and demeaning and...ugh!" I gasped looking at the bloody poster yet again.

He leaned forward in a professional manner, "As long as it satisfies everyone and has to do with raising money, I'm all good with it," he said in a straight face. Bet he'll enjoy it, perve.

"Well it's going to satisfy guys..." I mumbled under my breath. "Okay as long as you're okay with it..." I drawled.

"I'm okay," he stated.

I nodded not entirely convinced heading out, "Bye sir."

I cannot believe the guys! Guess what they're planning for money raising this week? Battle of the bands and concerts (which aren't bad,) but a beauty pageant?! I mean it's so damn typical for the guys to do that! Obviously they'd want to see females show off their body and so called "talents", squeaky voices and face full of crap!

Typical you hear? Typical!

The rest of the day I was totally peed off with the guys, till they apologised and even got onto their knees. However Cassandra and Austin seemed to have some awkward tension between them, obviously we noticed.

But for some reason today, Nicole wasn't in.

* . * . *

It was Wednesday now, the battle of the bands and concerts, kill me now because there was a saxophone band on which was seriously annoying me! Who likes that?

It was only like an hour as we could only do it in lunch, the winners recieve free lunch for a whole week. It was pretty great considering we get awesome food in the cafeteria unlike TV shows.

I groaned banging my head, "I hate this!"

Someone scoffed, "You're lucky I was here and not a sax lover!" It was Fox who came next to me while taking a drink from his Pepsi.

I looked at him and smirked a little, "Hah! Sex lover!" I pointed out.

He rolled his eyes, "Dirty." Idiot, he's the more dirtier one. "Anyway I came here to ask you whether you know where Nicole is or what?" he asked casually, but I totally noticed the concern hidden. But hah he cares!

I frowned, "No, I tried calling her billions of times. Neither Max or Jacob know where she is either. But they suspect the gang..." I trailed nervously. I really hope it isn't to do with them pricks.

Fox bit his lip crossing his arms and leaned against the window too.

Where is Nicole?

* . * . *

Thursday was getting pretty hectic with the beauty pageant tomorrow, already loads of girls have signed up for this which is going to be straight after school. I know, basketball was cancelled. I know Kyle's birthday is tomorrow.

And yes, yesterday I got creative and got him something!

But in other news you wouldn't believe it...the saxophone band had won. I died.

"Guys where is Nicole?" I asked slumping into my seat in today's meeting. I was so not bothered with the meeting, two days since she's been missing, the school don't even know where she is and we can't tell the police anything or it's over for her. Everyone actually, no way in hell are we losing a best friend.

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