17: I'm Awkward And Straight, Not Awkward And Gay!

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17: I'm Awkward And Straight, Not Awkward And Gay!

School passed in a blur now that I think of it. Except I did try and avoid Cassandra, I don't know why... I had Maths and she's the only one who I have some "connection" with. But I avoided her, anyway she kept glancing, I have no idea what that was about. I was also avoiding Kyle at maths.

I felt like murdering Kyle today, at lunch he told the others about my nicknames I gave them. Although they didn't seem to mind as they thought it was true. Guess what name they gave me? "Girl-who-has-her-nose-stuck-up-in-a-book". Or "The Unknown Drama Avoider", stupid but true.

But then again at our meeting everyone was acting happier? It seemed weird, because either something happened yesterday or they're all just happy. 

We also decided that next Friday to do all of the teacher activities. We had asked Principal Smith, he said aslong as we clean up and set everything, it was fine. However he is still thinking about the headmaster for a day. The activities will be going on at lunch and after school for two hours. Cassandra had insisted that she makes posters, but I decided Austin was going to help too as he knows a lot about computers...plus I wanted them two to hang! Anyway, this time Saffron would be putting the posters out.

Also next Thursday we'd be doing a talent show which Cassandra and Austin will also be making posters for.

Here I am now with Austin, Saffron and Nicole sitting in Austin's car. We're just waiting for the others to finish practice. Let me just say, we are having some weird conversations...

"Austin is the only one in our gang who's eighteen?" Saffron gasped.

Nicole rolled her eyes, "Gang? Saff are you kidding me? Gang?" she asked wanting to laugh. However Austin and I did end up laughing. Saffron our weird little child.

"But, I bet Austin enjoys our all feminine gang," Saff winked.

"Hmmm...surrounded by the ladies," Nicole nodded, Austin had a small amused smile on his lips but was rubbing his head.

"Hey!" I gasped, "He could be the gay one!" This made Saff and Nicole to laugh but caused Austin to start cussing us.

"That's frigging mean you know?" he frowned. "Just cuz I'm an awkward nerd doesn't mean I'm an awkward gay nerd!" he cried making us laugh harder. "I'm awkward and straight, not awkward and gay!" he defended. True, he's too hot to be gay, I won't let him!

"It's a cliché typical thing you know?" Nicole asked after calming down a little.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?"

She smiled, "The awkward nerd falls for the queen bee!" she said putting her arms up.

"Awesome. You guys are just awesome," Austin mumbled sarcastically.

Saffron smirked, "Did you watch the movie "I Love You Beth Cooper"?"

I squealed, "Yes! Doesn't she remind you of Cassandra?" I asked her getting excited.

"Yes!" she turned to Nicole and Austin, "Have you two ever watched that movie?" she asked.


"What's that?" Nicole asked.

Saffron and I gasped, "Oh I am so going to rent that make you two watch it!" I planned. "What about "Shaun Of The Dead"?" I asked.

Austin looked at me with a freakish smile on his lips, "Yes, I mean the way they run a way from everything and kill the zombies with that stick!"

I gasped, "But it was so sad when the mother died..."

Nicole and Saffron looked lost, "What's that movie about?" she asked.

One Awkward Year!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant