7: Awkward Bunch Of Friends!

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7: Awkward Bunch Of Friends!

''Okay, let's make things easy. I'll go this way, you go thataway and we don't have to see each other!'' Cassandra said with a fake smile which made me want to snap her neck in half.

Be cool Claire...

Be cool...

Your doing this for the team and spy for Austin...

I can do this! Totally!

I blew air, ''We're meant to do this--''

''As partners...I know!'' she inturrupted annoyed.

''So if you know, why bother?'' I said putting a hand on my hip.

''Whatever, let's just do this," she said putting an end to it. Oh how I wanted to...

* . * . *

We were nw both walking down, ''I hate to say this... But so far you were the only one who was nice to work with,'' Cassandra admitted.

We have almost spent one to two hours money collecting. ''Hmmm, really?'' I asked looking at her suprised. I thought a murder might occur tonight, but boy I was wrong!

''I mean yes we fought a bit, but we did a good job on the money collecting and stuff,'' she said smiling a little.

I smilled a little too. ''Well maybe you were being nice and alright that's why we kind of got along.''

''Yeah...'' I debated in my head whether or not I should ask this, I mean so far things were going...well okay. I don't want to ruin things buy-- ''Go ahead and ask whatever it is you want to ask'' she said snapping me out of my thoughts.

''Whaaaat? I don't want--'' I stopped when I saw the look she was giving me. I sighed, ''Cassandra, why are you so mean for?'' I asked, it may have come off a bit rude...

She walked along but didn't say anything, almost as if she was thinking of something. Damn! I shouldn't have asked her that! She seems a bit upset now... ''I...I don't know,'' she said sighing. "Maybe I know or not. I just can't say..."

''Is it something to do with Austin?'' I dared to ask.

She stopped walking so I stopped too. ''What did...what did he tell you?'' she said getting defensive.

''Um, let's sit down first,'' I said getting a bit nervous walking a bit more with her to a bench near a tree.

''So?'' she asked breaking the silence.

''Look, before I say anything. Please don't go around making fun of him or bullying him, or telling your friends anythin--''

''I won't, I promise,'' she said putting a hand on her heart while rolling her eyes. I don't know whether she was being sarcastic or...

''He said that you guys used to be like proper close friends, then one day you ditched him for the populars. Ever since then yu've been bullying him along with you friends...that's it, no details.'' I said. I looked at her trying to wait for her reaction.

She put her head back looking to the sky, ''It's true,'' she admitted looking down at her lap.

I pursed my lips, ''But why?''

''I don't know if I can tell you...'' she trailed shaking her head.

''Okay, but do you like him?''

She scoffed, ''No.''

Aaah, old Cassandra is back...unfortunatly. ''Well okay, nice knowing that you can be human,'' I smirked.

''Nice knowing that you can be cool,'' she said smiling. The mean kinda smile. Not friendly.

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