15: A Little Awkward. I Mean Sister's Best Friend?

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15: A Little Awkward. I Mean Sister's Best Friend?

I waited impatiently for French, we never had English today and I never saw Nicole, Austin or Saffron at homeroom. Let's just say my mind was a little off during the morning. Plus the flippin reporters were coming today!

I was the first one in and just waited for the rest of the class to come. Finally some people started filling in. I smiled when Austin and Saffron came over. "Where were you guys all morning?" I asked confused.

"Oh, the reporters were seeing how we do our school newspapers and stuff," Saffron said waving her hand about.

Austin pulled his eyebrows in confusion, "I wonder why Principal Smith never told anyone there are reporters in today." We shrugged.

But valid point. "Maybe because the wannabes are going to be following the camera's around!" I laughed, Saffron and Austin also laughing along.

"Hiyah!" Nicole greeted throwing her bag on the desk. We all greeted her back happily, I never noticed she took French, she looks like the Spanish kinda girl.

I remembered what I wanted to say. "Oh, um I need to say something..." I trailed making them look at me. "We need to abort--"

"Is Claire Silva here?" asked a deep voice cutting me off of my conversation. I turned around furrowing my eyebrows to see Princaple Smith. "Ah, Miss Silva," he called. All eyes were on me as if I'd done something wrong. I nervously got up and stood outside.

That moment when the teacher calls you and everyone stares at you...You think of all the bad things you have ever done...

"What's wrong?" I asked in a small voice.

He chuckled, "Nothing! I just wanted to say that you have to cancel all your recess plans and lunch time plans so the reporters could tape you and other things, is that okay?" he asked, I nodded. Wow I thought I was in trouble.

"That's fine," I shrugged.

"Also, how are you doing?" he asked about the money obviously.

"Awesome we got over a thousand so far," I smiled widely.

He crossed his arms but his posture was still straight. "Claire, it's a lot of money and--"

"We could do it, chill!" I shrugged casually which I probably shouldn't have done.

He chuckled, "Okay, since you are so sure--"

"I am," I stated firmly. Man second time this day? I am fierce!... I am this close to getying kicked out, shut up Claire.

"Well see you later at your meeting," he said turning away. My mouth opened a little, oh crap he will be here today. Well that's revenge for cutting him off.

I walked slowly back in class where madame was just explaining what to do, some people's eyes were on me as they saw the annoyed expression I had on. "What happened?" Saffron asked a little bit concerned.

"Oh nothing but Princaple Smith is also going to be at out meeting at lunch and also we have to give up our recess... So nothing much," I shrugged even though I was sort of freaking out.

Saffron puffed air. "Oh yeah what was it you--"

"Miss Chambers and Miss Silva!" madame called making everyone stare at us. The second time where my conversation was cut off. "Is there something you'd like to share with the class?" she asked crossing her arms.

"Um...I...Oh-Y-you know--"

I interrupted Saffron and her stuttering, "Yeah, um we just wanted to say..." C'mon Claire think! "Cake sale Friday, so spread the word and bring money!" I announced making some people cheer a little.

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