2: Awkward Introduction

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 2: Awkward Introduction

I sat uncomfortably, ''So, why don't we all introduce ourselves first, as we will be here for quite a while...'' What do I do?

''You gonna start then?'' said the cheerleader, bored. 

''Okay, I'm Claire, Claire Silva, I'm seventeen, and you don't notice me because I always stay in the back of the class. Um, you know what funny coincidence but we're in the same homeroom, all of us, I don't think you noticed though..haha...'' I rambled then awkwardly laughed towards the end.

''I'll go next,'' said the cheerleader, Cassandra. She had blonde, almost golden and sandy. Her eyes were a mixture of green and blues, like the sea, she could probably be a beach queen! No wonder she's the school's queen bee. She had on a skirt and a very tight halter top with WAY too much make up. I hope she's not the stereotypical mean cheerleader, I've never actually spoken to her you see. ''Well I'm Cassandra Ross, you obviously know that as I'm the head cheerleader,'' she said flipping her hair and winking at the boys. Us three girls, well we just rolled our eyes, she probably is the stereotypical cheerleader.

''M'kay, I'm Nicole Stone, I prefer Nicki, I'm a badass, that's it really,'' said the 'bad girl', then leaning back in her seat. She hair was chocolate brown, quite dark make up on and wore dark clothes, she also had dimples, it made me laugh because she didn't really look badass. If she's so badass, why is she here for? Oh god, if she's gonna think of stealing I will rip her--

''Hello, your turn,'' Nicole said waving her hand infront of the shy girls face. She had sandy brown hair up in a pony tail, and had a book on her lap. She wore a oversized top and a really, no-offence, but a granny brown cardigan, she also had glasses on. To be honest, she doesn't look like a nerd but kind of looks like a hobo. I'm sure if she took her glasses of and dressed okay, she'd look pretty.

''Yeah, I can see that, I was just writing something in my book,'' she sighed. Wait, did I say she was shy? No, she was rude. ''Well, I'm Saffron Chambers, I work for the schools newspapers,'' she sighed.

We waited for the next person. ''I'm Clarke Silva, whey!'' he said throwing a piece sign in the air, I rolled my eyes. Cassandra looked dreamingly at him, then her eyes went wide and she started to furiously text on her phone, weird. ''I'm co-captin of the football team, yeah that's me ladies,'' he winked.

''This isn't a match making club okay?'' I said getting things straight. We need to raise fifty thousand dollars.

''Mmm, I'm Kyle Mason, you obviously know, and I'm captin of the football team but also do a bit of basketball. Mind I say I'm also a badass Nicki,'' he winked while she rolled her eyes. Oh burn my eyes. Kyle was pretty good looking, not too much muscle, but not too less, he had brown hair styled up, and his skin was hot, tan. 

He's changed.

''I'm Austin Grey and I work for the school newspaper and I also was class president,'' said a quiet guy. His hair was flattened, he had glasses on and kept pushing it up, he barely showed his face. He also had a lot of layers of clothing, weird child.

''So, that leaves me, the awesome, cool, crazy, THE Fox Parker,'' said the bubbly guy. He was cute and kinda hot, but cray-cray cuckoo in the head. ''I don't do anything in the school, bleh,'' he shrugged biting his chocolate. 

Still the same Fox...

I wrote everyone's names down as we went along, I knew them but just wrote it to finalise who is in the club. ''Cool, so why did you all join this club for?'' I said bringing up another subject away from this Awkward Introduction.

Cassandra had fake smile plastered on her face, ''Hm, you said you needed some clever, smart and full of idea's, well I have good idea's,'' What up with her?

Nicole shrugged, ''I don't do any extra carapular acti--'' (Car-ap-ular, as in crap!)

''Curricular, I suggest you say it nicely and don't use that kind of foul language here,'' Saffron said, I bit my lower lip to keep myself from laughing.

Nicole had a annoyed expression on her face, ''Right. I don't do and CURRICULAR activities, so I joined this.'' 

''Well I joined because it's a good cause for the school'' Saffron said, thank you for helping out.

Clarke shrugged, ''I joined cos I'm here to help, you got our freedom back, so yeah.'' The real reason was cos I'm his sister I bet. So obvious.

''Same,'' Kyle said putting his legs up on the table.

''I'd appreciate it if your legs weren't on the table,'' I said rolling my eyes. Who does he think he is, the king?

''Plus it's opposite me, I don't find your display...nice,'' Saffron said with a disgusted look on her face. I thought girls like that were meant to be quiet.

''Right, um, Austin?'' I asked changing the subject.

''Oh, it'd be good for the school, and the school newspapers,'' he said quickly.

''I joined cos I'm that awesome,'' Fox said pretending to dust dirt of his shoulders, Kyle and Clarke nodded grinning.

''Okay, so we as a club have to raise fifty thousand dollars for the school. Now, I have some idea's that we could do to raise money,'' I said getting the first sheet out, ''we can in partners go around collecting money from people's houses. Also have garage sales, shows, competitions and other stuff. So what do you all think?'' I said asking them.

''Yeah, I also think we should start with the smaller stuff first, like tomorrow after school we can maybe go in partners and money collect,'' Saffron added.

''But we can't do it tomorrow, as we need sheets and stuff,'' Clarke said.

''I have the sheets, I did them today during break,'' I said showing them the sheets. I'm organised.

''You are so cool! Are you psychic or something?!'' Fox asked, really dude?

I laughed, ''No, as I said, I planned it out'' I said smiling at his behaviour.

''So who's our partners?'' Cassandra said twirling her hair around. 

''Okay, Nicole and--''

''Nicki!'' Nicole said correcting me.

''I will call you Nicole,'' I said forcing a smile out. ''Right, Nicole and Cassandra, Saffron and I, Clarke and Kyle and Austin and Fox.'' 

Fox whined, ''Can we not go in three's?'' 

''No, each time we do something in partners, everyone will have a different one each time, okay?'' they all nodded. Then I handed one person out of the two a sheet and a small money bag.

''So, every lunch, first ten to fifteen minutes we will have a meeting, it's not a problem to anyone is it?'' I asked making sure.

''Do we have to?'' Kyle said, ''I mean what happens if we don't?''

''If you don't, then just don't bother coming,'' I sighed, ''but I'd be really grateful if you came.'' 

''So meeting over?'' Clarke asked

''Yup,'' I said gathering the sheets, they all got up starting to leave. ''Austin?'' I called.

''Erm, yeah?'' he said.

''Please talk you know? Like, don't stay quiet, participate and stuff, don't be shy,'' I said shoving his shoulder playfully.

''Right,'' he said about to walk out the door.

''Hey you wanna hang?'' I said stopping him.

''Y-you want to hang with me?'' he said shocked.

''Wh-well I never hang with anyone. I don't see how this is a big problem, I-uh mean, if you don't wanna hang it's okay,'' I said walking away.

''I hang in the cafeteria myself, you can join me,'' he said stopping me.

''Uhm, okay,'' I smiled. I have been sitting outside or somewhere else by myself for the fast few years, it's nice to have someone ask you.

We walked in to the cafeteria together, and sat in one of the far ends. Some people took notice of me as, 'the girl who got freedom', nice. I was facing Austin.

''So, you okay?'' I said trying to think of something to say.

''Yeah, you?'' 

''Mm, you have any friends?''

''No, I don't,'' he said taking a bite out of his sandwich. ''What about you?''

''Well, I don't really want friends, I've seen movies and read books on how they can easily back stab you,'' I laughed awkwardly, he gave a small chuckle. Okay, I may be stupid.

''What if I want to be friends with you?'' he said smirking a bit.

''Yeah, I want to be friends with you,'' I smiled, ''and you?''

''Yeah,'' he laughed drinking some of his coke.

''You know your my first ever senior friend?'' I said, he spat out coke.

''Wh-what?'' He said wiping his mouth, I laughed.

''I told you, I like hanging by myself! But I'd like to be friends with you!'' I said still laughing, but now calming down.

''Your so weird and...'' he stopped talking and was looking and someone or something behind me, I turned around. Cassandra and two of her side kicks with her, her whole table was watching.

''Hi Claire...'' Cassandra said meanly, whoa, hey we're supposed to be nice to each other!

''Hi, and your here because?'' I asked, maybe a bit rudely. Well she was rude to me.

''Is it true your married to Clarke?'' burst out one of her clones. Cassandra smacked her on the head. Everyone in the cafeteria went silent.

I stood up, then I burst out laughing. Loudly, hysterically, oh my god. ''C-Clarke, did y-you hear that?'' I laughed out. I also saw that he was red of laughing too, Kyle and Fox were laughing too. I think us four were the only ones laughing. ''Clarke and I married? That's sick!'' 

''I told you all ages ago we're twins! Is it so hard to see?'' Clarke said out loud. Loads of whispers were broke.

''Oh my god! I've been here for like forever, wow, people really are dumb to see,'' I said and slumped in my seat.

''I don't think you noticed this but they have the same surname,'' Kyle stated. 

''Um, Austin let's go to the benches,'' I said pulling him up. Then I picked up my lunch and we walked out of the cafeteria together with people still whispering.

We both sat on a bench next to a big tree. ''Well, that was interesting?'' Austin said smiling.

''Shut up!'' I said playfully hitting his arm.

''I already knew that you two were twins,'' Austin said biting his sandwich. I raised an eye brow. He chuckled, ''I work for the school newspapers, plus I'm always chosen to do this and that for the school, so yeah.''

''Oh, look at that, we're already the best of friends!'' I said smiling widely.

''Hey, next who's going out as partners?'' He asked.

''Already have that in mind'' I said smiling, he was nodding.

After a few moments he spoke,  ''So, you gonna tell me or what?''

''Nope!'' I said laughing of how innocent he looked when he sighed.

* . * . * 

I've always noticed that Austin was in a lot of my classes, but we never really talked. But we talked a lot and passed notes to each other a lot today. I didn't realise how much fun I was having, maybe I should have gotten a friend ages ago. The others were in some classes too, I can't help to think that Saffron can be stuck up.

Austin was going to come over today, I said we should have hung out at his as my parents had an early night, but he didn't mind. Oh, wait till he meets them.

Our door bell rang. ''I'll get it!'' I yelled as Clarke was about to. I opened it smiling widely, then immediately it fell. ''Kyle?'' I asked confused.

''Yeah, Clarke in?'' he said scratching his head. 

''Yea--Oh Austin hey!'' I said pushing Kyle away and hugging Austin. In classes I found out he's pretty clever. We also have a few things in common, we both like green, we like cheesy flavoured crisps, our favourite normal drink is Tropicana and our favourite snack is sandwiches. He's already eighteen, he's also the only child and his parents are happily married and run the five star restaurant, Swanlake House. Lucky.

''Hey!'' he said hugging me back.

''Let's go in,'' I said pulling him and pushing past Kyle.

Clarke came out, ''Claire, watcha doing bringing a guy home?''

''What? Austin, you met him today,'' I stated.

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