12: Awkward Family Moment...

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12: Awkward Family Moment

Sometimes I hate Sundays. It's because it's so close to Mondays! Plus my back was aching...I forgot to wake up and go back to bed. But Clarke, Fox and Kyle came back drunk crashed out on the sofa.

Today it is a Sunday which means family day. Day and night as I should say! Every Sundays the whole bunch get together, except some are in France and some are in Britain...so not exactly whole but you get me.

There's one sad thing you should know though...Tori, Vicki and I are the only girls in my mum and dad's whole side. Yes, there's too many boys!

Vicki is just a year younger than me, however even though she looks pretty and innocent...she's a snob. Total snob. She went to Britain for a year to stay with my other cousins as her parents needed to attend a business trip...she came back all snobbish! Not saying British people are snobbish, but somehting clicked in her making her change. (OH for I fact I'm British/Welsh/Bangla ^.^) Tori and I disliked her a lot since. But yeah with her brown hair and rare green eyes she'd pass as innocent...

Mom tsked as she saw the position I was in, "Hurry up and don't stay like that or you'll be like that when you're older!" she said jokingly hitting the spatula on my bum. Hey it wasn't that bad! I was just over the counter!

I pursed my lips getting up, "You should go change now," I said to her as everyone was due in about half an hour. I headed to the sink to go and start washing things up.

She headed up, there's one thing you should know about me...A) I'm good at cooking. B) I'm bad at baking! ...That was two things.  Anyway, seriously I'm class at cooking, I could almost make anything, as long as you gave me the steps and ingrediants.


Well, you betta lock your oven and not let me near it.


As I finished drying the dishes I started to put them away. I heard three groanings at the same time, "Please hush!" Clarke cried as I turned around.

I started evilly putting the dishes away with louder noise making them whine more. I laughed, "You know it's Sunday?" Seriously, who parties almost a day before school? Actually...why is the weekends so close to the weekdays?

This just made them groan more. "So unnatural!" Fox cried banging his head.

I looked at him amused, "And that doesn't hurt your head?" I asked. I got some tablets and three cups of water and put it infront of them...yes I'm nice. "Everyone's going to be here soon so I suggest you freshen up," I said while adjusting the buttons on the cooker.

Clarke's head whipped up, "Don't tell me Sicky Snotty Vicki is coming!" he gasped wide eyed, she is snobbish.

I pursed my lips sighing. "You two going to stay over too?" I asked Fox and Kyle. They nodded. "Cool, Clarke do you mind," I gestured the cooker, he got up sluggish and headed there.

After that I went upstairs and just put on a nice flowy top and some skinny jeans paired with a purple cardigan. I quiffed my hair and put it in a ponytail. It's just family coming over so...

I'm assuming people had already started coming because I could hear a lot of voices downstairs. I cheered as I ran down the stairs carefully. "There's our Clairey!" Aunt J smiled as I walked down.

"Hi!" I waved everyone. "Hey Tor," I smiled heading to her as she was texting on her phone. I don't think she even acknowledged that I was there.

My cousin Brent sighed as he popped down next to me, "She's been in a mood all morning! Mom and dad found out that she's been dating a badboy..." he said shaking his head, I gasped in shock in the good and bad!

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