4: Awkward Fry Position

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4: Awkward Fry Position!

''Um, remember lunch, just first fifteen minutes, second fifteen mintutes meeting and then you get the rest of lunch to yourself,'' I reminded the lot in homeroom. 

I then went and sat on my desk, well not ON my desk, literally but, you know what I mean. ''Why are you staring at me like that for?'' Saffron asked eyeing Austin. Austin was biting his bottom lip to keep himself from laughing? ''What?!'' she asked annoyed.

Then Austin burst out laughing. ''What the....'' I trailed.

''What is wrong with you?!'' she yelled.

''You got...ch-chased by a d-dog!'' he said in between his laughs.

She looked at me horrified, ''Wh-well he's our friend!'' I said getting defensive at her glare.

''Austin shut up!'' she said throwing a paper ball at him.

''I   gnore him,'' I said slumping in my seat. Then I remembered about shopping today, ''Austin if you don't shut the hell up I will not be helping you today!'' I warned him, ha. He shut up.

''Sorry what?'' Saffron said confused.

''Oh yeah, I was meant to tell you this. Basically Austin likes her, I was thinking of a makeover and a change in it. So today after school, him, you and I are going to shop till we drop!'' I said in a cheery voice.

She looked at me with a tired expression. '' ''Shop till we drop?'' '' she air quoted.


''Can we not do it till we drop?'' Austin asked groaning.

''Hell no, we have to shop till we drop!'' 

''I doubt she'll drop...'' I heard Saffron mutter, Austin laughed at that. I glared at them both and turned back to front.

''So, yeah, it's not working out...'' I saw Clarke say to a red headed girl.

''But we were so good together!'' she yelled getting up in anger.

''Uh-huh, right, not really...'' he admitted scratching the back of his head.

''Yeah we were! Who is the other girl! C'mon there has to be someone else! Right?!'' she screamed. Her face was almost as red as her hair. By now most of the class were staring at, well, 'The Drama Unfold!'

''No! I heard you were good in bed! That's it! You're so damn annoying!'' he sighed rubbing his face.

''Prick!'' she yelled and smacked him across the face. The slap noise was so hard that the whole class literally just stopped and stared.

He groaned rubbing his cheek. She then stomped of to who knows where with her heels slapping on the ground.

''Dude got smacked!'' Kyle laughed like a mad person.

''Yeah, guess who I am...'' Fox trailed getting up infront of Clarke, ''Oooh my gawwd, your such a prick!'' he said in a high voice then jokingly slapped Clarke but not as hard. I have to admit it was funny I mean the high voice he had on. The whole class burst out laughing.

''Your brother is such a dip!'' Saffron exclaimed, thankfully not loud enough.

I sighed, ''Well at school yeah, but at home trust me he's not. He's funny, awesome and well normal and not jerkish.'' 

''But what he did right now was pretty heartless,'' Austin reminded.

''True...'' I nodded.

Saffron slamed her fist down on her desk making Austin and I jump, ''I hope karma bites his ass!'' I nodded. Then Austin and her started a conversation of their own.

I couldn't help but agree with them. Clarke needs to have karma bite his ass. He needs to be set straight, I mean yes I love him, but I didn't realise he was that, jerkish. I need to set him straight, he needs to stop being a...manwhore.

But then, I'm his sister, yes he'll do anything for me but give up his activities? I think not.

If only there was someone else who can help me. If only there was a girl... A girl who wasn't just a one night stand but a girl who he'll love and then be set straight.


I looked at Saffron with an evil glint in my eye, ''Uh Claire?'' she asked scared.

''You don't like my brother's ways do you now?'' I asked evilly.

''No...'' she trailed squinting her eyes as she was confused.

''Uh...Claire what are you up to?'' Austin asked confused.

''How about this...'' I said pulling them to the back of the class. ''My brother is a player, and I have an idea,'' I said to them, quietly so no-one else hears. ''Saffron I'm going to have to give you a makeover,'' I smirked.

''What? No!'' she said shaking her head in disgust.

''Wait, so I give you a makeover then basically you have to make him fall in love with you,'' I finished.

''But what happens next?'' Austin asked confused leaning on the wall.

''Well he falls in love with her and stops his whoreish ways...or I was thinking that she could dump him hard and he'll be heart broken and stuff will happen and he'll be alright!'' I said in one breath.

''But won't it hurt your brother?'' Austin said.

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