25: Awkward, I'm Busted.

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25: Awkward, I'm Busted.

Remember how I said I will not be strutting around in Kyle's jersey? I was bloody wrong. "Wooo!" I cheered as Kyle made a touchdown. He threatened me, Clarke also threatened Saff, and the threat was we either be their personal maids or this.

I seriously don't know how football works, and I don't care either. I just want to hurry up with this night. Saff and I have been cheering for Clarke and Kyle for the whole time, of course people stared at the two "unknown weirdos", I mean true, where did we come from out of nowhere?

Although Nicole and Fox were talking, arguing, then talking again, they seemed really casual most of the night. That is judging by looking as they were farther away from us.

If anyone is having the time of their life today, I tell you it's Austin! He has been sitting closest to the cheerleaders just to talk to Cassandra. Oh Cassandra, glaring at her friends whenever they talked to Austin. How cute.

I huffed, "How long till this finishes?" I groaned.

Saff shrugged taking a picture for the school newspaper, "I don't know or care."

"I care, the faster it ends, the better for us."

She nodded and sighed, "Why is Fox and Cassandra keeping their home life a secret for?" she asked confused.

I shrugged, "How should I know? Everyone has their own weirdness and secrets that they must hide for some unknown reason."

She pursed her lips yet decided to drop the subject, "So how much did we raise so far?" she asked.

A wide grin broke out on my face, "Twelve thousand and eight hundred!" I squeeled hugging her.

She gasped and hugged me back, "Thirty-seven and two hundred to go!" she squealed. Other people looked at us in confusion woth disturbed looks on their faces. Hey, I didn't say anything when they started swearing at the referee!

We talked a bit more but then went back to watching them play. I looked at Kyle, as much as I hate him, I hate to admit that he looked so damn hot. They must have stopped for a minutes break or something now.

Kyle took his helmet off and poured water on his already wet head. My eyes went a little wide as he started to shake the water off, I admit I gulped a little when he began to drink some water. I mean the way his muscles flex? Aye...

I'm sure he felt my state as the next thing I know he's looking my way and winked at me, I rolled my eyes. "That's my number one fan there!" Kyle yelled pointing at me making some people look and cheer.

"What-no!" I yelled horrified.

Saff was sitting there sniggering so I glared. I saw Clarke walk by Kyle and smirked, "And that's my girlfriend with the squirrel face!" Clarke yelled pointing at Saff earning more cheering.

Her eyes went wide as she stood back up, "I'm not a squirrel nor am I your stupid girlfriend!" she yelled earning some laughter.

Some mini ten year old was sitting next to us, "Hah. You called yourself stupid!" Saff and I stared at him with raised eyebrows. Obnoxious little kid.

We watched the ending and cheered when needed to. Hooray, we won. I sighed dragging Saff along with me as we went to wait in the car park. Leaning against my car and talking randomly we saw Fox and Nicole making their way over to us.

"So," Nicole started with a smug smile playing on her lip, "I will be catching a ride with Fox who owes me McDonald's today as I won a staring contest." Fox scowled rolling his eyes with his arms crossed.

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