6: Awkward Position...On My Best Friend!

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6: Awkward Position...On My Best Friend!

"Claaaaire....gerrup," someone said and started to shake me.

"Noooo....alarm didn't ring...." I moaned.


"Noooo..." I mumbled a bit more angry.

"Claire your on top of me! Move!" Austin said annoyed yet amused.

"Whaaat..." I said and opened my eyes.

Indeed I was on top of Austin. My legs were tangled with his, one of my arms were around his waist and the other around his neck and my head was resting on his chest. Well, I'm in a awkward position...on my best friend!

"See?" he said in amusement. Can I just say his morning voice was hot! Well all guys morning voices are hot, their deep...

"I'm sorry... Austin, what's the time?" I asked yawning putting my head back down on his chest.

"Five o'clock."

"So why wake me up so early?" I said tired. I usually wake up at around six.

"I need to go for a run, duh!"

"Ugh. A run in the morning?" I said sighing and getting up. "Actually..." I said yawning, "it's good that you woke up, I'll wake Saff up too and we can go over some quick rules and stuff."

"Kay," he said simply.

I got up and quickly put my hair into a messy ponytail and put my slippers on. My pajamas were cute, it was a ducky tank top with matching ducky shorts!

Austin was putting on his top and his converses. "C'mon," I said. We went down the stairs I was just about to open the door.

"What are you doing here?" Clarke, Kyle and I said at the same time...creepy! We stared at each other for a few seconds.

"I'm opening the door for Austin..." I said, first one to speak.

"I'm going for a run," he said.

"Same..." Clarke and Kyle said together.

"Well okay..." I said awkwardly then opened the door.

"You look different!" Clarke said pointing at Austin. Wow, way to be rude!

"Uh-huh, Claire's work," Austin said pointing at me.

"You wanna come running with us?" Kyle asked Austin. What?!

"No thanks," he said simply and walked out the door waving me bye.

I looked at Clarke and Kyle, they were staring back... Hmm....I just saluted them and ran up to my room. I yawned. Where the hell was Saffron?

''Saff? Where are you?'' She wasn't on the bed, nor the floor... The windows were closed. ''Saaaaff?'' I called again. I went down on my knees in the crawling position. I looked under the bed...what the heck?! She was under the bed?!

I pulled her out by her leg and attempted to wake her up.

With a pillow!

* . * . *

''It's so early...'' Saffron yawned as I finished of straightening her hair.

''Please! Not that early, I mean you showered, got dressed, makeup, and your hair! That's got to be some record in one and a half hours!'' I said smiling.

''I also don't get how you managed to get Austin and yourself ready in the same two hours!'' she said shocked.

It's true. Well I gave Austin half an hour to run, so by the time he came back it was quarter to five, he showered in five, I picked out his clothes and styled his hair and voila! Meanwhile I was getting ready and Saffron ready...wow. Imagine how it's going to be in the future when I get my own kids...gosh.

One Awkward Year!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon