18: Not So Awkward Now Are We?

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18: Not So Awkward Now Are We?

"I got nut cookies, chocolate chip cookies, raisin cookies or WHAT EVER THE HELL YOU WANT COOKIES!" I yelled arms getting a bit tired.

"You have my nut sack cookie?" Jared Gibson smirked.

I scoffed, "Oh please do keep your perverted comments for someone who doesn't mind," I gagged. "Also, your nut sack will be a flat sack if you make one more comment," I warned making him put his hands up in defense mode. That dip has been throwing perverted comments at me every minute.

It's been three hours where I have been walking around with a box of homemade cookies to sell. I have been doing amazingly well, I just have ten or so left and then I start to sell something else.

I sat down wanting to rest. Right now some tryouts for Football and soccer were being held, by the end of the day they'd be saying who made captain and who made the teams. Basketball tryouts would be held in a few minutes.

I heard someone huffing behind me, "Claire I'm done!" whined Saff also taking a seat on the bleachers.

I smirked, "So you don't mind finishing these off while I go harass Austin some more into trying out?" I asked sweetly.

She grumbled under her breath but sighed, "The things I do for you!" I gave her a grateful smile while she took the box with force.

I got up to look for Austin, big surprise, he was selling the crispy cakes by all the cheerleaders who were surrounding him. Cassandra of course was shouting at them and telling them to help her. I'm not sure whether it was because of jealousy or because she needed them to help. A bit of both maybe.

"Austin, come here!" I called. He sighed in relief as he came jogging over with the box which was now finished. "You love me don't you?" I asked.

Let out an, "Ahh," I scowled. "It depends what you want me to do at the moment."

I sighed crossing my arms, "Austin Grey! I know you love basketball, so please for us. Go. Try. Out. NOW," I said sternly in my most threatening voice ever. He has to try for basketball, like I didn't see his face when they were talking about who'd be captain. "Just cuz you know a lot of subjects and such, doesn't mean you can't do sports! Not quoting High School Musical, but it's okay to ignore the status quo," I said lamely but meant every word of it. He looked like he was in an inner battle with himself, "So you'll do it?" I asked with a hopeful expression.

He sighed but then began to grin, "I'll do it!"

* . * . *

"Always the ladies who clean up, sexist much?" Nicole exclaimed.

I laughed, "Well considering the other five are at tryouts I think we have to."

Saffron shrugged, "All in all, today we did amazing. Considering we lost money yesterday with an investment, I think we raised triple today," she said safely putting the money in the safe.

Nicole nodded, "We should go back, I really hope Jacob, Max and Austin made it," we also nodded. Jacob and Max also decided to tryout, Nicole tried convincing them but thought I would be better at convincing them. She was right, after threatening them and using the whole "it's your last year" speech, they decided to listen.

We chatted along the way as we walked to the school gym where everyone now was. We sat together at the middle row where thankfully there were three seats left.

Principal Smith cleared his throat as he stood in front of the mic. "Good afternoon everyone, I'm sure today was a very hot and tiring day," he started. "But today was tryouts day, everyone has worked very hard in trying to get in or trying to help out, you all deserve a round of applause." Everyone started to applaud. "However I think I've kept you waiting long enough, I will now reveal the captains and co-captains of the new school teams," he started. My heart started racing a little faster, I hope Austin, Clarke, Jacob, Max, Fox and Kyle do well.

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