23: An Awkward Nerd Wins Something

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23: An Awkward Nerd Wins Something

"So," Fox drawled. "The winner of the membership is..." he took a deep breath and pulled out a raffle. "Gareth Valley?!" he cheered with shock laced in his tone. I started to snigger so Kyle had out his hand over my mouth, even I could see the obvious look on his face, he wanted to laugh.

Just then Gareth cheered getting up, you remember Gareth the tech nerd? Yeah well maybe this will do him good, he's too boney, and no-offence to him but he could use some pro-active too...

Other people in the cafeteria were groaning and scowling at Gareth, well it's not every day where an awkward nerd wins something not associated with technology.

Fox took a deep breath and handed him the card uneasily. "Good on you Fox," Nicole nodded smirking.

Fox rolled his eyes, "Shut it... Is Clarke and Saffronpphire actually doing okay on the bear?" he asked. Saff and Clarke were going around for "guess the name of the bear". Obviously considering it was like a dollar a guess, people didn't really care and bought a name.

Kyle started to snicker, "Saffronphire?" he quoted, I nodded in confusion.

"I don't know whether to call her Saffron or Sapphire," Fox shrugged.

Kyle smirked, "Definitely not "Sapphire" considering Clarke gave her that nickname."

"So how would you feel if I called little Claire Tootsie?" Fox asked innocently swaying about. I stomped on his foot and punched him on the chest which he didn't seem fazed by.

Kyle scoffed, "Try it bitch!"

I rolled my eyes, "Only girls can be--"

"Hold up," Nicole started putting a hand up, "What the hell is a Tootsie?"

I closed my eyes and sighed hearing Fox and Kyle snicker. "Nicole it's nothing I mean it when I say it," I said shaking my head at them in the warning way.

She frowned crossing her arms, "Austin and Saff are right," she stated. I looked at her in confusion, "There is something linked between you, Fox, Kyle and Clarke."

Even though this was true and on point I scoffed to make it seem false. "Yes duh, Clarke is my brother and his friends are over all the time. Hence why 'there is something going on' weirdo." I would tell them, not now because it's too early but not too late or I guess everyone would believe this friendship was based on nothing but lies. I didn't want that to happen considering they're the only friends I've had who don't want popularity, though Nicole has it.

Nicole scowled, "No there's more to it--"

"Hey Nicake," Fox drawled, I raised my eyebrows at the name. "Wanna hang out after school--"

"Firstly," she started putting her hand up, "Don't Nicake me! Secondly no, I have better things to do," she shrugged.

He sighed, "Oh fine. I guess I'll just take someone else to go car--"

"Actually on second thought, I'm free!" she smiled looping her arm through his and walking away together.

I smiled, "Very cute." I said to myself.

"Ah, too wild!" I nearly jumped up when I noticed Kyle was still here. "I mean imagine two of the most craziest people going out, they would be called...Ficole or Foxcole," Kyle suggested putting his hand on his chin.

I scrunched up my nose, "You can go now, and stop calling me Tootsie! Do I not mean anything to you but crap?!" I whisper shouted.

He looked at me surprised, "Claire," he started softly, "you know it's an inside joke--"

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