3: Awkward Dog Chase!

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3: Awkward Dog Chase!

Lessons went in a blur, I noticed that someties here and then Austin would glance and Cassandra and her friends. In break Austin and I hung out in the field, I drew a quick portrait of him and he drew a quick portrait of me, they were awesome. Actually they were amazing at first, but then we added beards, boogers, then it became gross!

''So, I gave you the sheet and a money back to collect the money," I reminded them, "also Principal Smith gave us a safe, which is going to be in his office. So any questions for today?" I asked.

"So we have to go out with our partners around houses money collecting?" Nicole asked.

"Yeah, also tomorrow lunch we're going to be going around the school collecting for money, is that okay?" I asked.

Cassandra sighed, "You expect to raise fifty thousand by doing this everyday?"

"If you had bothered to listen properly yesterday, I think she said that we're going to start of with the smaller stuff," Saffron answered Cassandra annoyed. 

I cleared my throat awkwardly, "Um, yeah, just for this week," I said, ''or maybe when we need to.''

"Cool! I hope we do something more fun!" Fox sighed.

"Harsh!" I muttured underneath my breath. Clarke and Austin heard though and they quietly laughed. "Actually, Friday we need to meet after school," I remembered.

"Uh, why?" Kyle asked.

"Because I was thinking that we could have a garage sale, so do you guys have stuff you don't need?" They nodded.

"Where do we meet though? And what if we're busy?" Nicole asked.

"Well if your busy, then I guess your busy, so you don't have to come," I said calmly, even though in the inside I was thinking, 'Really? Fifty thousand to raise and your 'busy?' why bother?'

"Yeah, I can come, but where?" Kyle said suddenly.

"Mine and Clarke's house at four, I'll give details on Thursday," I said. "So I think we're done for today, um you can go now," I said dismissing them.

"You have to step your game up you know?" Austin said as we walked into the cafeteria.

I glared at him. "Shut up, we have to start small of first."


"So we can see how things are going to go, if they go well and people could be trusted then we step our game up," I answered.

"Good thinking!" I saw Saffron sitting under a tree by herself reading a book. She looked a bit like Taylor Swift. It seemed so cliché, I felt a bit sorry for her, no-one was talking to her. I remember I would have been like that a few days ago, but now with Austin by my side, it never will be.

"Score!" Fox yelled as Kyle had thrown a chip in his mouth.

"Austin?" I called.


"Should we ask Saffron to join us or go join with her seeing as she's alone?" I asked.

He groaned, "She's so stuck up though!"

"Maybe cos she doesn't have any friends..." I trailed.

"Fine!" he said and like a baby followed my stomping over, it looked cute in a weird way.

She saw that there was a shadow over her, and she looked up. ''Um, need anything for tomorrow or something?'' she asked then started reading her book again.

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