20: A Pretty Awkward Morning

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20: A Pretty Awkward Morning

Saturday morning, everyone was hungover. It was also a pretty awkward morning, considering Nicole twerked over Fox, Saff flirted with Clarke and vomited on Kyle. But Kyle and I? I don't know what the hell his problem is anyway.

Saff and Austin both wanted me to drop them off straight away after they had breakfast, they were both lightweights and kept constantly vomiting. Nicole is still here, she woke up had breakfast and now is currently in my room sleeping again.

Not to mention that for the first time Clarke was sober and so was Kyle, Fox was ever was not and was suffering and crying. Baby.

Like this morning couldn't get any worse, Vicki had come. Her family were going out of states for the day for some problem I don't know. So we were left babysitting her. How sad.

I was just reading my overview of yesterday in my diary and was pleased so shut it. I put my music on because I cannot stand having music while writing, so distracting. "Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs, with the boom box playing as we're falling in love, got a bottle of whatever but--"

"Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" Vicki screamed aggravated.

I glared at her taking my earphones out, "If you're not going to let me watch tv then obviously I will be loud," I stated obviously.

Her jaw dropped, "But you watch 'Are You The One?' too!" she exclaimed.

I scoffed, "Unlike you I tend to watch things on time!"

She rolled her eyes, "Duh, having no friends..."

I glared at her, "Jacy and Scali are a ma--"

She stuck her fingers in her ears while bobbing her head, "Lalalalalalala!"

I shrugged, "That doesn't annoy me," I smirked. I then went back to putting my earphones in. A let a few moments go by till she calmed down, "Ten perfect matches!" I exclaimed again resulting to her yelling, "Lala" every second.

She threw a pillow which didn't affect me at all. "I swear, one more spoiler and I'll murder you," she hissed.

I smiled evilly and turned away. "Ethan and Amber are engaged!"

She let out another angry scream and came screaming at me while beating me up with a pillow. "You are such a cow!" she yelled. I laughed taking it all in, it actually didn't hurt. "I hate you so much!"

"Feelings mutual babe," I shrugged as she was still hitting me. "You know, a pretty girl like you could have a boyfriend but don't because you are so damn mean and horrible," I stated.

She slowly stopped and stared at me, "What?" she asked in disbelief. Hey, it wasn't that mean, it was the truth.

I rolled my eyes, "You're seventeen next month and don't have a boyfriend, you're decent enough. I mean, I bet every night you ask yourself why no-one wants to be your friend or want to hang with you." Does it sound hypocritical for me to say this? No it shouldn't. She tries so hard with guys to get someone or just mess with someone's feelings. I however just don't want anyone and the moment. But maybe what I said did come off a tad bit mean.

Vicki gaped at me, "I...How could you?" she asked tears brimming in her eyes.

I sighed sitting up, "Vicki, I honestly just don't know what the hell is wrong with you anymore..." I trailed. "After Britain you become all..."

"Mean?" she asked. "Snobbish? A cow?" she listed and I nodded meekly.

I huffed, "What happened to the real Vicki? What happened?" I asked shaking my head.

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