Epilogue: Awkward Ol' Me

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  • Dedicated to All Of You Readers!

Hi everyone...the time had come. :'( But enjoy reading this!!


Awkward Ol' Me

8 Years later....

"Oh my gosh!" I gasped turning around and inspecting my stomach. "I'm fat again!" I didn't know whether to be happy of this or a little peeved that I'd have to burn it off again.

My five year old daughter burst out giggling, "No! You look like a princess," she said shyly hugging me around the legs.

I crouched down to her level, "Really? You're my princess Cherry," I said poking her little nose a little. She truly did look like a princess, in her pink party dress and flowery shoes. Not to mention her fluffy caramel hair and blue eyes that she inherited from me.

She growled, "Stupid KJ says I look like a frog!" I frowned a little looking at my son who smirked playing with Charlie. He definitely is another carbon copy of Kyle, brown hair and brown eyes with a devilish grin.

I had three triplets, Koby James (KJ), Charlie then Cherry. Let me just say, birth giving was not as nice as I would've hoped. In fact giving birth to triplets made me lose a lot of blood and unconscious for two days. Kyle and I had gotten what we wanted but it sure did come with a lot of hard work.

I had to postpone my education as I realised my parents couldn't handle them on their own. But once they had reached the age of three and started school, I started education again and got the qualifications I needed to become a psychologist.

I had urged Kyle for months to carry on with school, it took a lot of convincing but I had done it. With the help of family and friends I had overcome the problems of looking after triplets.

College was amazing really, living the college life and learning at the same time was a little crazy but we made it work! It was nice that Clarke, Saffron, Kyle and I had gone to the same college actually helping each other out when we needed.

It was a college with a huge range of activities, I went for the one's that best fit me. Whereas Clarke and Kyle decided to go for the more sporty one's which is how they are now both in a professional American Football League. Saffron followed science and wanted to settle for something average, but later decided she wanted more than that. She had gotten inspiration from Nicole and worked on crime and justice becoming a detective. 

"KJ, why?" I asked crossing my arms.

"She said she wanted to kiss a frog and find her prince. I just said to just kiss herself!" he defended throwing his little arms in the air.

Charlie nodded blonde hair bobbing, "It's true!" Charlie must have gotten his looks from Kyle's side because there wasn't really a blonde in my family. But he had inherited my blue eyes. He would be a total pretty boy heartbreaker.

"Say sorry or no party," I said pointing to Cherry for him to apologise. He does this way to often, KJ the trouble maker. He got up groaning and hugged her apologising while she smiled. Charlie also smiled, he was in between them all the time in fights, the more mature and responsible one!

"When is daddy coming?" Charlie asked lying down.

"Now," I answered smiling while putting some essentials for them in a bag.

I heard the door close. "Where's my monsters?!" he called running up the stairs, no matter how much I scold him for that, he'll never stop. They all squealed running to their daddy as he swiftly picked them all up.

Kyle had definitely been an amazing husband to me by helping out with education, triplets and this huge house while balancing his own job. He'd changed quite a lot as in he'd gotten much to bigger and buffer with more stronger facial structures. Yes my husband...

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