24: Isn't This Weird And Awkward?

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24: Isn't This Weird And Awkward?

I laughed evilly as Saffron went around with pots and pans bashing them together making the four hungover teenagers groan in pain. Nicole and Austin smugly smirked fiving each other.

"Rise and shine smelly bottoms!" Saff announced still banging the pans. "You two have football, you have to cheer missy, and I don't like you Fox, so get up," she said putting the pans down and putting the lights on.

They were all groaning like mad, so Nicole and Austin took all the blankets off them and took their pillows away. "If you're all not up and down in five, bashing pans aren't the only thing you're getting," Nicole stated crossing her arms.

Saff pointed to the drawer, "Toothbrush and toothpaste are there along with towels, tablets and essentials. The quicker you get ready, the faster you are out of my house," she stated crossing her arm.

I laughed following her out to go to the kitchen. "You're so mean," I said putting bread in the toaster.

She shrugged, "I don't care. You ruin my plans and I'll ruin your beautiful sleep," she nodded smugly.

I scoffed raising an eyebrow at her, "Oh? I thought it was just so you and Clarke don't hang around and you don--"

"Shut up before I butter your face!" she scowled, obviously I just put up my hands jokingly in defence. We went back to making our normal boring typical breakfast.

No more than ten minutes later all of them had come downstairs and began to start munching on their now ready toast. Here we are sitting in silence, just hearing the sounds of sipping and munching.

Saff cleared her throat, "How will you two play of you're both hungover?" she asked Clarke and Kyle.

I scoffed, "They've been doing this since sophomore year!"

Nicole shook her head with an amused smile on her lips, "Boy, they've been around you for too long haven't they?" she asked.

"Too long..." I mumbled swirling my orange juice a little, I love pulp. I looked up at the two, "Good luck at your game though! And you Cassandra good luck at your first cheerleading thing first time of the year," I said not knowing how to phrase it properly. She gave a small smile as a thanks.

"You'll definitely be wearing my jersey right?" Clarke asked, I nodded. Normally I cover it up and sit there watching the game, which is probably why no idiots have realised he's my brother.

Kyle frowned, "So unfair. I'm the captain and have no-one wearing my jersey. All guys have a girl except for me!" He scowled murdering his cereal. I don't even understand anything about football to be honest, I sit there like a lemon.

Nicole smirked, "Well, why doesn't little Saffron here wear yours? I'm not going to be there only 'cause--"

"You better come," I warned.

All of a sudden Kyle's eyes had brightened, "Well why doesn't Saffron here wear Clarke's and Claire wear mine?" he asked. I was glaring at him, if his face was a potato and laser beams could shoot out of my eyes...you get the point.

Clarke looked at him, back at me, then at Saff for a few times. "I'm cool with it," he shrugged. Oh my gosh, is he really betraying me?!

Saff scoffed, "'Scuse me, but what makes you think that I'd wear your jersey?" she asked.

I nodded, "Yeah Kyle!" No way am I wearing his jersey. I took a big swig of my juice at how annoyed I was.

Kyle shrugged, "Oh fine, I'm sure everyone would like to know why Tootsi--"

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