14: Like Things Couldn't Get Anymore Awkward

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14: Like Things Couldn't Get Anymore Awkward

What I hate about home room is that the douches always come early to mess around. I was waiting for Austin, Saffron or Nicole to come as I was bored out of my brain just sitting there ten minutes early listening to random gossip or watching random things. By the way...apparently some girl is pregnant, well was...she aborted it sadly.

"Finally!" I said relieved once Nicole walked in skipping happily over to me.

She smiled happily sitting down in front of me and rested her chin on her palms. "What's up with you and Max then?" she asked all giddy, never seen her this happy...

I raised an eyebrow at her weird behaviour. "Nothing, I mean it was a fun date and we had a good time," I paused. "...but it didn't feel right." I explained watching her frown deepen after every word.

Her lip quivered. "B-b-but you two are so good together!" she exclaimed shutting everyone up and making them stare.

I blushed and sunk down, "Shush would you?" I hissed.

Kyle smirked, "I see Max and Claire aren't going for a date two," he sniggered. What's his problem? Atleast I had a date, all he has is one night stands.

Like things couldn't get anymore awkward, Max himself appeared. "What?" he asked as all eyes were on him, Jacob also trailed confused behind him.

"What happened?!" Nicole exclaimed at him standing up in fury.

I sighed, "She wants us to go out again, try explaining to her that we're just friends and nothing more!" I said giving up. The whole class, well everyone here, was literally just standing there listening with eager looks. Including Kyle, Clarke and Fox.

I looked to my left and saw Austin and Saffron confused but they took a seat down. Max scratched his head, "Nicki, seriously don't make a big deal outta this... Claire and I were just..too..."

"Alike," I finished off for him.

He looked at me relieved, "Exactly! But it doesn't matter now because I'm single and ready to mingle!" he said doing a funny dance which made most of the people laugh and slowly get back into their own conversations.

Nicole pouted, "Oh..."

Someone tapped me from the side, "So tell us what happened anyway on the date!" Saffron said very eager.

Max smirked, "I will." Oh boy. This can't be good.

* . * . *

Well this is a first, in English everyone always gets up and talking. But today everyone was quietly waiting, nervous. Mrs Hill was focusing on her screen then smiled approved with whatever she did. "Well class," she greeted. See she wasn't nice but wasn't mean...however I would never cross lines with her, too risky. "Today I'm assigning you to a seating plan," some people groaned including me, "this is because it's your final year and I don't want anyone to fail essays, exams or anything," she explained. "So as you're tables are of four, I'm now going to put you into your groups," she said getting the plan on to board.

I was trying to follow for where my name was while people were up and getting to their new assigned seats. I furrowed my eyesbrows and groaned when I found out who I was sitting by... "Hey," said a voice from behind. I could almost sense the smirk in his tone!

I groaned and sat down on my seat, there were five tables, one in the front right, one on the left, one in the middle, one on the back right and one on the left. My table was in the middle, the centre of the class, how awesome?

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