(BONUS!) 48: Awkward Grandparents

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(BONUS!) 48: Awkward Grandparents

I sighed.

"Tootsie, what's wrong?" Kyle asked putting his phone on my desk and taking concern of me.

We were both lying down on my bed and I just felt a little off. "We've been dating for two months now!" I said crossing my arms.

He turned around eyes growing wider, "No don't break up with me! Or is it the two month anniversary thing? I mean you're my girlfriend I could get you anything you want any time and the one time I don't--"

"It's not that!" I interrupted his rant flatly. "We haven't actually gotten our families to meet each other," I explained.

Again his eyes went wide, "No! You remember what happened when..."

"I know!" I laughed. When Kyle came to introduce himself newly as my boyfriend, dad and Clarke were sorta giving him a hard time despite the fact that he's been here all his life. Mom however would not stop about the whole grandbabies subject. It was very awkward.

"So what do you mean?" he asked scowling a little.

"My parents, your parents, Karrie, Dom, Ly, my grandparents... Anyone in our family we want to invite!" I said happily.

He smiled and kissed me on the nose, "Anything," he mumbled against my nose. I pinched his nose lightly and playfully with a smile.

"I'll call everyone up!" I said getting up grabbing both of our phones.

But he pulled me back down making me fall on his chest, which I may add is bare. He had this thing where every time he was over, he just had to have his top off. It's not like I didn't enjoy it... "No kiss?" he asked pouting a little.

I smirked, "Sure. After you help me cook!" I said devilishly earning a groan from him. Since Kyle was over a lot and I went to his house a lot, I did attempt to teach him how to cook. However he set the food on fire thrice, apron twice and even once ended up busting to cooker.

So all he does is chop the food up.

Then again, he was teaching me how to bake. Good news, I could now make muffins and cakes!

After calling up everyone, I was glad to know they were all up for it.

Kyle chopped the food while I cooked, I was making homemade garlic bread and my own spaghetti meatballs. Kyle even decided to make chocolate cake for desert.

I turned the cooker down to low heat and sat down on the counter. "Want to lick the--"

"Yes please!" I grinned grabbing the spoon full of chocolaty goodness. I love licking the mixture, it's delicious. I mean admit it! It's so sugary, sometimes even better than the end result!

Kyle laughed at me after I was done and put the spoon back in the sink. He stood in front of me and leaned in, "Doesn't this remind you of the almost kiss at my house?" he asked licking his lips.

I bit mine, "Yeah." He drew in a sharp breath and I smirked knowing he hated that. I put my hands on his face softly and pressed out lips together enjoying the chocolaty taste he also had in his mouth.

"Eh-hem!" We broke apart looking wide eyed at my grandparents at the doorway. Each of them stood with smirks and began nudging each other.

I sheepishly smiled and hopped off of the counter, "Hey, so happy you could all make it," I said nervously as they all stared with amused smirks.

"Well it's about time!" Nona huffed crossing her arms.

Kyle laughed a little nervously, "S-sorry. We just thought that since we already met and--"

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