11: You Awkward Dirty Man!

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11: You Awkward Dirty Man!

I yawned looking at the time, 11pm. Not bad. I rolled around for a few moments then decided to get changed and head to the toilet. After that I headed downstairs, mom and dad come home early from Fridays-Sundays but also leave earlier than usual.

In the kitchen Clarke was almost half asleep with a bowl of cereal, he had a phone on his other hand. "Hey big bro," I greeted smiling.

He looked up for a brief second, "Hey," he yawned. "What are you making?" he asked as I got some pans out.

"Egg bread?" I asked him, he nodded enthusiastically all sleep going!

So here I was starting to make it, whisking the egg in the bowl then soaking the bread inside. Then I started to fry it. This gave me some time to ask him about Saffron. "Hey, what do you think about my friend Saffron?" I asked turning the bread with a spatula.

He scoffed, "She's so bossy, rude and hard to joke with!" I looked at him, as he put his phone down and started listing again. "She's stuck up, a bit of a cow, so tight, doesn't let me do anything, she's so mean--"

I just ended up laughing, "She has more to say about you! Anyway do you like her?" I asked.

He looked at me in horror, "No!" he scowled, "I hate her, yet I actually like annoying her, how stupid Is that?" he asked. I finished making the bread and put them on two separate plates and spares on another, Clarke started pouring orange juice in two cups.

We sat down face to face on the counter sitting on the bar stools. "I actually don't know, why don't you both put things aside and try to be friends?" I suggested drinking a bit of my juice.

He gagged at that, I rolled ny eyes. Childish? "Anyway, what are you doing today?" he asked.

"Oh, I was hoping we could hang out, give mom and dad a little time then could have family time. How does that sound?" I asked. I'm not being bossy you know! It's just that every weekend Clarke and I hang around for the majority of the day.

He nodded biting into his bread, "Oh is it okay if Kyle comes?" he asked.

"Kyle?" I questioned frowning.

Speaking of the devil, the devil shall appear. "Yes, you called me?"

I sucked my teeth, "What's he doing here?"

"I'm here when I feel like it!" he said taking a bread off the spare plate and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Clarke if he comes then I'm bringing Saff," I finalised.

He sighed, "Why?" Clarke whined leaning back.

I pursed my lips, "Kyle annoys me and Saff annoys you, yet Kyle's your bestfriend and Saff is mine," I explained getting it into his head.

He groaned, "Fine!" I smiled in approvingly.

"Man...you drive a car, fight and sing One Direction songs. Suddenly you're the bad guy..." Kyle muttered as I walked away.

I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs to phone Saffron.

* . * . *

I crossed my arms and scowled. "What are they doing here?!" Cassandra and I yelled at the same time. I thought it was going to be Saff, Clarke, Kyle and I. But then I couldn't resist but call Austin. Then Nicole texted me saying she's bored, so I also invited her.

Now I see that Clarke invited Cassandra and Fox. "Why her?" Nicole scowled at Cassandra. I'm surprised Nicole actually wanted to come, I thought she's into laziness and outdoorsy stuff.

One Awkward Year!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora