Kids Play Day

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Today was the kids "play day" competition practice. The kids were excited.

"Dad I'm gonna win hopefully this year" Katie said. "Course you are" Jack said. Jack and Goldi were married 14 years ago. Katie was born 1 year later than a year later it was Holden. They lived in Jack's old house in Red Riding Hood Kingdom.

"Holden put your feet right here" Goldi was teaching Holden how to get on a horse. "I hope I win" Holden said.

"All right everyone. We are waiting on some of the royals and then we'll get started" Xanthus said.

"1st came, Queen Beauty, the king and their kids, princess Ash and prince Chris. Then came queen Red and King Charlie with their kids, prince Logan and princess Riley. Then to come was Snow white, the king and their kids, princess Tessa and prince Lucas. Then was Cinderella, king and their kids, princess Hope and prince Nick. Then was finally was Rapunzel, Sir William and their kids, prince Flynn and princess Renee. The elf empire came to help coach with the council.

"Line up kids. The empress will tell you your teams" Emrelda said.
Elf Elvina came up.

1st group: Crystal, Katie, Logan, and Carter. 2nd group: Tessa, Chris, Riley, and Logan. 3rd group: Ash, Renee, Nick, and Lucas. 4th group: Anna, Hope, Flynn, and Brian" Elvina said.

They found each other and got into teams. The council instructed and announced the games and finally the games were over.

"For the practice round the winer is...the... 3rd team" Tangerina said walking back and forth. The wining team cheered and their prize was since it was practice, it was golden wing shaped badges.


Bree and Conner and Jack and Goldi their kids. They were waiting for the royals.

"All right gather up in your teams" Xanthus said blowing his whistle.
"Round 1 rope course. Ready!"

The teams helped each other out and did the beat they could.

"Next is the unicorn flying race Choose the second person on your team and read!" Coral said.

The games were coming to an end and the time was too.

"Stoop!" Xanthus blew his whistle. "The winner is..... the 2nd team!!"

The wining team cheered and they each earned a "kids play day" medal and tiny trophies that looked like the big trophy. The team greeted the other teams saying,"good game".

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