Little Supers

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"Catch me catch me" Anna said. The kids were playing Super heroes. "I'm the Ice queen" Crystal called out. "I'm Batman. Cause dad took us to his world so I get my dads world super villain" Brian said.

They all played and suggested who they'd be. "I'm queen Alex. Cause that's my super hero mom" Anna said. The kids picked and were ready to play. Emmerich came outside with cookies.

"Hey guys. What you up to?" He asked. "Super heroes and super villains" Holden said. Emmerich smiled. He set the cookie tray on the table and sat in a chair. "Hey you kids play I'm right here k?" They nodded.

Time had passed and it was getting dark. Emmerich heard the door bell ring. "I'll get it." He went and opened it and saw it was his wife. "Lea?!" He led her in and kissed her. "Hi. What are you doing?" Lea asked. "Nothing babe." They sat and a few hours later she left. The kids were tired and wanted to sleep.

They had been staying at the fairy palace.
The kids were each assigned rooms. Anna and Carter got Alex's old chamber. Crystal and Brian were in there dads old chamber. And Holden and Katie were in and empty guest chamber. Emmerich slept in his own chamber.

The kids weren't fully asleep. "Hey Anna can you and Crystal use your powers to locate where our parents?" Holden asked. The two girls nodded.

Crystal and Anna closes their eyes and focused. Crystals eyes flew open. "I got it" she said raising her arms. Anna's eyes opened too. "Me too." Holden and Katie looked at each other. "Tell us." "Our parents and Logan and Riley are in a giant crystal castle. In another world" Anna and Crystal said. They all had the same look. They were worried how to get to their parents in another world.

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