Unexpected News

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Goldi was riding Porridge and racing with Katie that was on Oats. Jack and Holden watched.

"Goo Katie!" Jack shouted. "Go mom" Holden shouted. The race was finished and Katie had won.
"Your getting better" Goldi said.

It was time for dinner, Goldi had made pizza. "This delicious mom" Holden complemented.

Arthur was in the study room or his office. Either way, he was working on some stuff. Being a king in his onion was hard.

Carter and Anna were outside in the garden. Anna was picking flowers to put in her vase that was on her table.
Carter was sitting on the bench reading a comic book.
Alex came in.

"Hey what's up?" Alex said. "Mom? Why is dad always working?" Anna asked. "Anna, sweetie. Daddy has a lot of work to do. When Carter becomes long you'll see" Alex answered.

The next morning, Anna went to her parents room yo meet her dad. She came in and noticed her dad wasn't in his bed nor in the bathroom.

"Mom? Where'd daddy go?" Anna asked. "He's with in the meeting room" Alex answered. Anna lowered her head.

After breakfast, Alex had gotten a call from one of Red's servants.

"What'd you mean Red is missing? Cause she's not here" Alex said. "Did you asks Conner or Goldi."

"Yes but they said she's not there" the servant said on the phone.

Alex asked Anna to come with her to the Fairy tale world to look for Red and her family.

" Arthur I just got a horrible news. Red is missing. And so are her kids and froggy" Alex told Arthur.
She took the fairy tale treasury book, the portal poison and she and Anna jumped in.

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