Bad Realization

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Queen Claudia the other night had given each couple a room. Alex had her own as well.

Bree and Conner were in their room. They were sleeping. The night before none of them had gotten any sleep.

While Goldi and Jack were in their room missing the kids and talking. "I missed for a whole 2 weeks we couldn't find you" Jack said.

Jack and Goldi walked to Reds room and found Bree and Conner and Alex were there as well. "Hey guys" froggy said.

Jack and Goldi came in. "I wonder how the kids are doing. How are we even gonna go back?" Bree said. The others nodded. "Let's ask the queen." They all left Reds room and went to the king and Queen guards. "May we go?" The guards nodded.

Bree opened the door. "Excuse me?" Alex said. "We were gonna ask you do you know how to get back from here to the Center kingdom?" Claudia looked at them. "No. I'm sorry. Never heard that in the Colors world."

They all looked at her confused. "What about the fairytale world and the other world" Conner said. But soon realized what he'd said. They were in a new world.

"Bad realization. I didn't know there were more than 2 kingdoms" Goldi said. Then how'd we get out of here?" They all shrugged.

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