Making The Spell

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Red, Bree, Alex, Goldi, Connor, Jack and froggy were in staying at a cottage they'd found. They had decided to stay at cottage and not hotel so no one catches them making the spell.

All the items were collected. All five of them. Now all they had to do read the instructions how to activate the portal. Bree went over and brought the "Way to Worlds" book from a bag they he'd put their items and books in.

"Okay we need to find that chapter and start making the spell" Conner said. "First, get the sword and combine it with the trophy. Then, put the emerald stone and ruby stone together. After that, put the crown and crystal together. Then take the long strip of hair and tie it around all of those items. And finally, say each of your special words for the world and wait for 2 minutes" Jack read while the others did each step.

They had confused faces but Goldi was first to say. "Magical." "Teamwork." "Pretty." "Lovable."History." "Peace." "Kindness." They each said their words and waited patiently.

" I..I don't get it. It didn't work" Jack said. They all stood their with confused faces.

"It said everyone say their special words for the world" Conner said. "We all sai- oh! Not everyone. Riley Logan come" Bree said.

After a few minutes they waited and seem to notice Riley and Logan were no where to be seen.

"Where are my kids!?" Red and froggy asked. "We don't know."

They heard a little chuckle coming from behind the couch. Froggy went.
" Hey come on out. We need you guys to activate the portal by saying two words about the fairytale world" froggy explained.

The kids cane out. "Why us?" Riley asked. "Don't you wanna see your friends back home?" They nodded cane over to the table that had the items placed on top of.

"Royal" Riley said. "Epic!" Logan yelled. They gathered up with the rest and suddenly a bright flash came from the book and a floating man appeared.

"Which world would you like to visit or live in?" The man said in an robotic voice. "Live in, fantasy classics world" froggy answered.
He was quiet. "One more thing. Can you some how deliver theses items back to its owners?" Conner asked. "Yes" the nan said.

The man disappeared and so did the bright light.

They waited patiently and once again the bright light flashed and sucked them in.

One by one they went. Jack was the last. Swoosh. They were gone.

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