Update from the author 2.0

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So..I wanna get to know my readers, you guys, but I have no idea what to do about it because you guys are awesome.

3 AM and being sick is giving me ideas, so how does creating a Discord channel sound where we all get to know each other and talk to each other? I won't make it until I hear the feedback from you guys. Plus, I feel like hearing from you all will give me motivation to write(I need it).

Leave your thoughts in the comments and I'll let you all know the results of what you all think :)

***After everyone's comments and votes, I decided to make one. It's just text channels right now since I can't do much on my phone, but this is the link to it. You may download the app on mobile devices, download the app onto your computer, or just use it through your Internet browser :3 Also, general chat may change, so stick to respective chat until I fully get everything running. Thank you :)

Fairy Tail ((Various x Reader))Where stories live. Discover now