Chapter 2

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The train ride was lonely. I felt myself go slowly insane as I sat there alone.

The train began to slow down and the train indicated we were at my stop in busy London. I pulled myself out of my seat and headed out into the crowd of London, pulling my bag over my shoulder; prepared.

The meet and greet was being held in the local shopping centre so that was where I needed to head towards.

I walk in and instantly I could see a crowd of girls waiting to meet the couple.

I walk towards the line when I bump into someone coming out of Starbucks with two cups in each hand. The person was in a black hoodie with dark glasses on, "I'm so sorry!" I exclaim.

"It's fine," he says. I recognise the voice but he was gone before I could put my finger on it.

I head to the line and wait my turn. There was a loud buzz of excited girls around the shops as I waited for my turn to come to meet my idols inside WaterStones (lol idk)


It was my turn to go in. I put myself together and walked over to the pair of them. I feel tears threatening to leave my eyes but I sniff them away, "I'm really sorry... but you guys are my idols and..." the tears escape my eyes and Zoe pulls me into a hug.

"It's fine," Alfie says, "But it's me that should be sorry to you."

Me and Zoe give him a questioning look, "What?"

"I was the one that accidentally walked into you earlier... sorry I said nothing, I was in disguise to make sure no one came at me and mobbed me."

"It's fine... and Zoe thanks so much to replying to me yesterday," I smile and Zoe hugs me again.

We take a selfie and both Zoe and Alfie sign my books that I brought.

"So where are you from?" Zoe asks curiously.

"Brighton... but I live in a orphanage..." I smile weakly and I see Alfie and Zoe exchange looks, "Which one?" Alfie asks.

It was my turn to give them two looks, "Why..."

"Well..." Zoe looks at Alfie, "We were hoping to adopt at some point and you seem nice and..." I feel myself burn up.

"Oh... my... god!" I exclaim and hug them again, "I go to Brighton Ca-"

"Zoe, Alfie it's time for her to go," a body guard comes over and grabs my shoulders.

"Dave it's fine we're just..." Zoe goes to protect me but Dave just tightens his grip.

"We're already behind schedule! There is no time for soppy goodbyes," Dave said firmly.

"But..." Zoe tried again.

"No. Do you realise there are over 100 more girls waiting out there?," Dave said firmly and began to pull me away.

"DAVE!" Alfie's yell echoed around the area. It was obvious he was mad, "YOU CAN'T JUST PULL A FAN AWAY LIKE THAT! AND WE WERE TALKING ABOUT IMPORTANT BUSINESS!" Alfie storms over and pulls me out of Dave's arms, "I suggest you leave," he growls.

Dave stomps off and Alfie pulls me into yet another hug, "I'm so sorry about him."

" it's fine," I shrug.

"So whats the orphanage you go to then?" Zoe asks.

"Brighton CareHome," I say and I watch as Alfie types it into his phone.

"Thanks for coming!" Zoe grins.

"Yeah and maybe see you soon?" Alfie winks and I go off.

Oh my god.

Did that just happen??

I could get adopted...

Adopted by ZalfieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang