Chapter 40

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Was I dead?
Did I drown?
Or was this all a dream?

No, you definitely went to the pool.
I remember...

But did I drown?
Dave pulled me under.

He was trying to kill me.

A light. It shone above me. My parents faces could be seen, "Let's try this again, shall we," my mom smiles, "Take my hand, and join us."

"No..." I say, "I'm needed back there."

"Fine. We're not gonna argue." My dad says and then I suddenly feel as though I am falling, my stomach falls to the bottom of my chest and a lump forms in my throat.

When I 'land', I hear voices, "Is she ok?"

"What just happened?"

I open my eyes slightly. White wall, white floor, white sheets. I turn my head and see Zoe, Joe, Caspar and Alfie.

Caspar is the first to look over. He instantly runs over and pulls me into a tight hug, "I'm so glad your ok Hayley," He said.

He let go and I see Zoe smiling brightly over his shoulder, in a hug with Alfie.

"We have some news Hayley," Joe smiles.

"What?" I ask.

"Dave's been arrested," Joe says happily.

I stare at him, "You're... you're joking..."

"Why would I joke about that?" Joe asks, "Honestly, Dave had been arrested."

"I LOVE YOU!" I yell, hugging Joe, "thank you, thank you, thank you."

Joe lets go and looks at my face. "We also have another surprise for you."


And through the doors, in walks Seth. He is smiling and happy.

"Seth..." I whisper. Even though he was my boyfriend, we hadn't had contact in ages.

He hugs me close and I do the same. I look over his shoulder and see Zoe crying once again, Alfie's arms wrapped around her torso. He was smiling at me too.

"We also have more news but that's to find out later." Joe adds.

"Oh... ok..." I say.


It was the day of recording the music video.

"So pretty much," Troye comes up, "I was thinking that I would be like, mime singing and you and Jake could be like the back story and pretty much, Jake is really nice at the beginning but at the end becomes an abusive douchebag." I giggle sightly, "The end is he punches you, knocks you out and while you were unconscious at the hospital, we have a shot of Joe holding your hand and crying."

"That sounds... really good," I smile.

"But why's Joe there?" Seth asks.

"He wanted to be a part of my music video," Troye said, rolling his eyes.

I laugh and then Troye takes me to the set.

The area is dark but lit up purple from the many fairy lights strung around. I gasp, taking in the set, "It's... it's beautiful..." I gasp.

Troye smiles, "I thought you'd like it... so. Are you ready to act?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

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