Chapter 43

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"It's Hayley... I think... I think she's started cutting."

I drop my phone. Hayley... my Hayley... had started cutting? Why... why would she even consider it?

I pick up my phone and inspect my phone for cracks. Thank god there weren't.

"Alfie?" Tylers voice makes me jump.

I laugh worriedly and panicked, "I'll... i'll go get Zoe... a-and ring Dan and Phil... Lexi use to cut didn't she? Yeah, I'll ask them..."

"Calm down Alfie," Tyler soothes, "Look, I'll talk to Hayley while you get Zoe. Yes, talk to Dan and Phil; they should be able to help."

"O-okay Tyler..." and I end the call. I feel myself break down as I run and grab my jacket and race out the door.

*meanwhile in rainy England*
I cuddled into Dan's grip. We were snuggling in my bed and before you ask, no. We did not have sex.

Okay maybe that's a lie...

Maybe... 😉

Anyway, it was 3:00am in the morning. I could feel Dan's warm breath against my exposed skin.

Suddenly my mobile began to ring. Dan groans, "What time and who is it?"

"It's 3 in the morning and..." I looked at the name, "and it's Alfie."

"Alfie," Dan groans, "Why is he calling nowwww..."

I answer the phone, "Alfie it's 3 in the morning!"

"I know I know and I'm sorry... but I need your help..." his voice seems broken and cracked... as if he has been crying.

I put my phone on speaker and lie it on my stomach as Dan sits up to drink some water, "So what's wrong Alfie?"

"I just got a call from Tyler and... and he thinks the Hayley began to cut herself..."

The water in Dan's mouth was suddenly sprayed all over me, "DAN!" I yell.

"Sorry... but cutting?!" Dan exclaims.

There was a pause, "Yeah, cutting."

"What makes Tyler think she started cutting?" I ask.

"Yeah and what happened today that would make her cut?" Dan asks, wrapping his arm back around me.

"Well... she fell out with Jake after she fell in the harbour and Jake doesn't know why she was in a mood and then she sees us, we ask her if she is ok and she doesn't reply and walks to her room..."

"Maybe she cut herself when she fell into the harbour?" Dan suggests.

"Yeah! That could be it! Guys I'll ring you back when we get to Tyler's room... I just need to knock for Zoe and Joe." Alfie says.

"Ok by-" and then the call ends.

"Looks like this is what we're doing tonight lion," Dan says, pulling me in close so his breath once again tickled my skin.

"I guess so," I sigh.

"Hey everyone! So welcome back to another Sugg Sunday with Zoella!!" I introduce.

"Hey everyone!" Zoe waves into the camera.

"So since we are in Australia at the minute, me and Zoe are going to try Australian candy!"

"So first of all-" we were interrupted by a impatient knock at our door.

I groan out loud and open the door, "Alfie?! We're recording a video!"

"I know..." he looked out if breathe and his eyes were red. Had he been crying? "But I need to talk to Zoe... about Hayley..."

"What's going in?" Zoe appears.

"It... it's Hayley..." Alfie says.

"What's wrong?"

"Tyler... thinks Hayley has began to cut..."

"What?!" Zoe exclaims, grabbing her shoes and putting them on.

"Maybe she just cut her arms on the harbour?" I suggest.

"That's what Dan and Phil said when I rang them just then." Alfie says

"Well come on lets go!" Zoe exclaims and we all run to Tylers room.


So I was thinking for my next book, one of the main characters were kind of... fictional? How does that sound? So unlike all the rest if these books, one of them has a mythical characteristic?

Tell me!

Okay, bye x

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