Chapter 22

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Grace was in Zoe and Alfie's room cutting and ripping all of Alfie's clothes into tiny pieces and scattering the pieces of torn fabric out the open window.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"I yell. She turns and smiles, "Getting rid of Alfie."

"He can easily go and buy new clothes so your plan failed didn't it," I say, snatching the scissors out of Grace's hand and putting them in my pocket, "Now tell me where Zoe is."


"TELL ME WHERE ZOE IS!" I yell, angry.

"I'm here..." I hear a voice from the bathroom. I run and open the door and there is Zoe, curled up in a ball in the corner between the bath and the wall.

"Zoe... are you ok?" I run over and hug her.

"I'm... scared..." She finally admits.

"Why?" I ask, a lump forming in my throat.

"Well... did Grace really hurt you before Hayley? Like at school and the other day?" She whispers.

I nod, "She called me names and I felt so bad about myself."

Zoe wraps me in a hug, "Well we need to catch her red handed to make sure."

"Ok-" we were interupted by a sudden yell.


Me and Zoe dash out and Zoe instantly covers her mouth, "Grace..."

"I..." we all look at Grace as she starts to go bright red.

"Well? I'm waiting for an ANSWER," Alfie snaps.

"Well..." Grace looks panicked, "Hayley made me do it!"

"oh for goodness sake! You can't blame me for everything!" I exclaim.

"Well you're the one with the scissors!" Grace said, snatching them out of my pocket.

"I didn't do it though! I've been with Joe and Alfie the whole time!" I yell.

"Prove it!" Grace yells.

I look at Alfie, "She has been with us Grace," Alfie says, "So why don't you stop lyin'?"

Vine is the video above)

"And with me too," Joe snarls, appearing behind Alfie.

"So why don't you try another excuse, Grace," I say.

I watch as Grace storms towards me. She pushed at my shoulders, shoving Joe and Alfie out the way, "I have always hated you Hayley Deyes! I never want you in my family and you should just kill yourself..."

I wobbled on the edge of the stairs. I stare at Grace, "Fuck you orphan." And then she pushes me down the stairs.

I scream as I fall, whacking my head off every other stair and I hear a crack coming from my body. That can't be good. Instant pain floods through my body and I scream and bite my lip before crashing into the wall at the bottom of the stair case.

I throw my arm over my eyes and cry as pain rushes through my body. I hear yells and someone running down the stairs, "HAYLEY!"

"Hayley talk to me!. Are you ok?!" It was Joe.

I groan and rest my head on Joe's legs as he sits down. Grace's yells from upstairs ring in my ears.

"JUST GET OUT!" Zoe yells, "LEAVE!"

A thumping Grace comes down the stirs, "This is all your fault, orphan!" And she kicks me in the back. I moan in pain and more pain in my body.

I feel my body getting heavy. My breathing is tight. I can't breathe...

I gasp for air but hardly any comes. I feel Joe tense below me, "Hayley?! Stay with me!"

I feel my eye lids flutter. I feel as though I can't support myself no longer and pain increases. My ears ring and then I can't see.

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