Chapter 8

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I end the call and flop back onto the sofa, feeling kinda sick, "Who was it?" Alfie asks.

"H-him..." I say, "The person who killed my family... he's looking for me... he wants to kill me..."

"What?" Alfie's voice was shaky, "What do you mean-"


I hate anger issues.

I hate it!

In desperate measures, I grab a nearby cushion and throw it at a wall, frustrated.

There was a knock and then Joe walks in, "Are you alright Hayley?"

I nod shyly before crying as Joe comes over and hugs me, the pair of us sitting on his bed, "Alfie is probably so mad at me... after I yelled at him..."

"He's fine..." he says, hugging me close, "I think he is just in shock."

"I didn't mean to burst like that..." I say, "It's just that my anger issues took over me..." I cover my mouth, realising I just gave away my biggest secret.

"A-anger issues?" Joe questions.

I gulp, "Nothing I..."

"You have anger issues? Does Zoe know? What about Alfie?"

"Joe your making this a bugger deal than it already is!" I felt like I was going to explode but I kept myself calm, "I just need to get out..."

"Hayley, this is London! You can't just go out..."

"Yes I can," and grabbing my jacket, I run off.

I run out the app the apartment and then down road. The fresh air was cooling against my face but soon I came crashing into someone, "Oh my god I'm so sorry..." I step back and end up looking Phil Lester in the eye.

"Hayley? What are you doing out here? Aren't you meant to be with Joe and Caspar and Alfie and Zoe?"

"Meant to be," I say, "But I fucked up."

Phil raised an eye brow, "I yelled at Alfie..." i admitted


"This person rang me, threatening to kill me. Alfie asked me what I meant and I exploded! Then Joe came and comforted me but I ended up telling him about my anger issues..." I began to cry and Phil pulled me over to a bench nearby.

"Everything will be ok, you know?" Phil says calmingly and I nod, "I just can't but wish I never fucked up," I whisper.

"I know..."

"But do you?" I question, "Do you really know?"

"Lexi... today has been hard for all of us. Please, let us two argue over this," Phil pleads and I except his words and hug him.

"We should get you home," Phil sighs and we walk back...

Until a figure comes up behind us and grabs me. I scream and yell and Phil runs trying to pull me out of the grip until the man pushes him, sending Phil back.

"PHIL! HELP!" I yell.

"Leave the faggot," the voice laughs.

That voice.

It was the killer.

But I also recognised it from somewhere else.

Oh my god.

It was DAVE!

"Dave?!" I question.

"That's right you slut," he laughs and he carries on attacking me, punches and kicking.

"PHIL!" I yell but there was no response. "PHIL HELP ME PLEASE HE'S GONNA KILL ME!"

Still no response.

"See! He's left you, and I don't blame him you bastard," Dave laughs.

"PHIL!" I yell again, not giving up.

"Shut up you idiot!" Dave yells and kicks me in the stomach before I pass out.

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