Chapter 41

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To make it clear;
Jake is Lexi's boyfriend.
Seth is Hayley's boyfriend.
I might get it mixed up.
Go with it.
Remember which way round it is.
Enjoy the chapter.


Acting was hard. I didn't need to talk meaning I had to use a lot of body language. Troye said I was good and so did Seth. But sometimes it's hard. I seem to bring myself down.

I was back at the hotel and walking ti the pool with Seth. His arm around my waist, "So I was thinking."

"Yeah?" I say, looking at him.

"A date. How does a date sound in the world of Hayley Deyes?" Seth asks.

"A date. A date in the world if Hayley Deyes seems pretty cool," I say.

"So that's a yes?" He says cheerily.

I look at him, "11 puppies out of 10."

"I prefer kittens to be honest," Seth admits.

I let go of his hand and gasp, faking disgust, "How could you say that?!" I say.

"Oh I don't know!" He says, smiling at me, "Because I have an opinion!"

"Well I think puppies are better!" I say as we reach the pool.

"Well Kittens are cuter so shut your mouth," Seth argues.

"WELL GO SHOVE YOUR OPINION UP YOUR ARSE!" I yell, but inside I was laughing.

I know my family is looking at me. Seth is looking at me too, "Wow." He says.

"I know," I laugh. And then he pushes me into the pool. I swim up and see Alfie swim to me, "What the fuck is going on with you two?!"

I giggled, "Just a role play argument."

Alfie tilted his head to one side, "What?"

"We had a argument but it wasn't serious. Honestly, it was over puppies and kittens..."

"Anyway I can help?" Alfie grins, "After he hurt my daughter?"

I look at Seth, "throw him into the deep end."

"Wait what?!" Seth cries as Alfie swims to the side and climbs out, "Alfie get away from me!"

"TICKLE HIM ALFIE!" I yell as Alfie chases Seth around the grassy area, "TICKLE HIM!"

Alfie catches up and begins to tickle Seth and picks him up, throwing him into the pool. Seth screams out and lands in the pool with a splash. He surfaces for air before ducking under the water.

I suddenly feel myself being picked up, "SETH!" I yell, giggling.

I watch Alfie dive back in the pool after grabbing his waterproof vlogging camera and turning it on. Zoe and Joe swim over to me, "What the hell is going on?" Joe questions, a smirk on his face.

"Nothing really," Seth says, happiness in his voice.

"Really?" Zoe asks.

"Yep. 100% nothing," I say.

Alfie swims over and stands next to Zoe, "You ok Seth?" He is laughing as he points the camera at Seth.

"I was until you chucked me in Alfie," he said causing Alfie to snort, "It was Hayley's idea. Not mine." Alfie protested.

"What?" Seth said, faking hurt, "Hayley how could you?!"

"I'n sorry," I say, "It was funny though."

"Ye it was to be honest," Joe laughed.

"Shut up," Seth says, splashing Joe. Joe gasps, "You ruined my hair!" Joe exclaims.

"Oh please, it was ruined anyway," Zoe said.

Joe splashed Seth causing him to fall back. I screamed as I fell back into the pool, the water surrounding me. I swim up, "Joe!"

"What?!" Joe exclaimed, "What did I do?!"

I smile at him, "You're such a bad example for a uncle."

"I am so not!" Joe exclaims.

"You are Joe," Caspar laughs, wrapping his arms around Joe's torso, "But your just too lame to admit it."

"BURNED BY YOUR OWN BOYFRIEND!" Seth yells, pointing at Joe as Alfie laughs and continues to record the situation.

I smile and watch as Joe goes to splash Seth with a massive wave but ends up hitting me. I stumble back and stare at Joe, "Oh it's on Uncle Joe." i say in my best aggressive voice which wasn't really convincing.

"Oooo fighting talk!" Alfie cries, pointing the camera at me as I swim towards Joe and Caspar.

"Shit Caspar swim! She's gaining on us!" Joe says and begins to swim away but I grab onto his foot. He squeals as I jump on his back, "Hayley!"

"This is for splashing me!" I yell.

"Hayley get off!" Joe exclaims, but I know he is laughing, "Caspar help!"

"Ye ye," Caspar smiles, "I might leave you to struggle Sugg."

I laugh and then Seth swims over, "So... shall we get ready?"

I nod, getting off of Joe's back. I climb out as I watch Seth run into the hotel. I grab my phone and towel and smile at my parents, "I'll see you later."

"Where are you going?" Zoe asks.

"Oh... Seth's taking me on a date..."

"Date?!" Alfie exclaims.

"Ye," I smile, "it's going to be amazing! I'll see you later!" And I run off.


Short chapter. Next one should be good.

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