Chapter 33

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I sat in my room alone, my music playing out of my laptop. We were all back home and whilst at the hospital, I had had my cast taken off my wrist.

I get up and pick up my guitar that was leaning against my wardrobe. I strummed it twice before playing a new tune which soon developed into the rhythm of Stitches, which was also playing off my laptop at the time. I was about to start singing when there was a knock on my door, "Who's there?!" I call.

The door opens and Troye appears. He smiles at me, "I wanted to talk to you about you coming to Australia." He says.

I nod, "Sure."

He comes in and sits on my bed as I turn my music off and close the lid. Troye clears his throat, "Well, first of all, my manager wants us to begin recording the song pretty soon, like end of this month."

"But the end of the month is in, like, two weeks!" I say.

Troye nods, "I tried to tell him that and that with all your school work, the end of this month probably isn't the best idea. But then he said that we need to do the song soon and if you aren't available, tough."

I sigh and lean back on my bed, "I guess... I could do online school whilst in Australia," I suggest, "How long will I be there for?"

"Well my manager wants to record the song in the next two weeks and then he wants to shoot the music video... so about a month roughly?" Troye says.

I nod, "Will Zoe and Alfie be coming too?"

Troye nods, "And Tyler is also gonna be there cos he wanted to visit me."

"And when are we leaving?"

"Well I said about Sunday to Zalfie and they said ok, they just needed your opinion on it all." Troye says.

I nod, "Sunday is perfect! You coming with us?"

Once again another nod, "And by the way, the song is called Shadow and these are the lyrics: Zoe let me use her highlighters so my lines are in blue and yours are in purple."

"Ok... and what's the tune?" I ask.

"I've got it here, let me just put it on your laptop. Then we can have a practice yeah?" I nod as Troye plugs the memory stick he had in his back pocket and drags a file onto my desktop. He double clicks it as he removes the memory stick and a soft tune begins to play which soon developed to have more catchy tune, "This is amazing!" I say and Troye grins, "My manager said that when I showed it him. My boss has good days and bad days, you will find that out if he becomes your boss too."

It was my turn to grin. Then Troye begins the music again and takes the sheet and puts it in front of us so we could both see it.

We sing the song and when we are done, I look at Troye, "That was amazing!"

"Really?!" His eyes shone as if he was a toddler who had just been given lego for the first time.

I nod, "i can't wait till we go to Australia on Sunday."

"I know. You are gonna love it. We're all staying in a hotel that is a short walk from the beach and a street away from my boss' home. He's paid for us and it is lovely. I've told Zoe what things you will mainly need," Troye stands up, "Joe and Caspar have just gone out to get pizza and make-out probably. You coming down?"

I nod and stand up, following Troye down the stairs, the snell of pizza now filling my nostrils.


1. Sorry for the late update. I have been on holiday since Friday 😊
2. If you follow my instagram... I logged out and forgot my password so I have a new Instagram: hannahhh_xx__

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I will see you guys later ☺️

Hannah x

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