Chapter 16

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I wake up cold. I was in the hospital bed and I looked around. No one was in here. I was alone.

I looked at my phone; 12:34pm, 30th January. (I know. Seasons keep changing but go with it yeah?)

I look up and see Zoe and Alfie walk in, "Are you ready to go home honey?"

I nod, "I'm ready to leave this place."

"We have to go to London again though," Alfie says, "Dan has organised a 'killer party' for Phil," Alfie quoted with his fingers.

"Oh yeah I forgot it was Phil's birthday today," I laughed.

"Girl you better not mention that to Dan or he will whoop y'all ass for forgetting his boyfriends birthday," Tyler laughed.

"Tyler. Stop." Troye laughed, "You are offending everyone."

I giggle and get up, "Where's Connor?" i ask, looking around.

"He's gone to get a coffee," Zoe rolles her eyes jokingly.

Of course Connor had gone for coffee.

"LET'S A GO!" Tyler yells in his worse Mario accent.

"What did I say Tyler?" Troye exclaims but a smile creeps onto his face.


"Are we there yet?"

We all groaned as Connor spoke up for the 4th time on this journey. He was in the front seat along with Alfie who decide to take the plunge and drive after he passed his driving test last weekend. I was in the back middle seat with Zoe and Tyler sitting either side of me. Alfie had borrowed one of his old school friends 7-seater car so Troye sat right at the back with the luggage next to him.

"Connor we have been driving half an hour," Tyler moaned, looking up from his MacBook and taking a sip of coffee from a metal flask, "It takes a while to drive to London from Brighton."

"Yeah but I'm borrreeeddd..." Connor groaned, "And my phone is on 10%..."

"Didn't I tell you to charge it at the hotel!" Troye exclaimed.

"But it didn't need charging then!"

I looked at Zoe. She was holding in all her laugher by bitting the insides of her cheeks.

"Well maybe you could edit one of your videos?" Tyler suggested, looking up again from his MacBook, "That's what I'm doing."

"Ooh what video is it?" I asked eagerly, peering over his shoulder.

"A collab I did with Miranda a while ago," he passed me the apple headphones he was wearing and made me put them on, "I don't let everyone have a sneak peak y' know," he winked and played the video, "And and needed a video for this weekend so I will use this."

I laughed whilst I watched the video. I took the headphones out and passed them back to Tyler, "That's really good."

"You think?" Tyler raises a eye brow, "I don't want to upset my bæ, you know."

"Isn't she Joe's bæ?" I question.

"And I am too! I am in her song!" Tyler exclaims.

"I'm joking with you Ty," I laugh.

He smiles weakly, "Yeah..."

"Ty? What's wrong?" I ask.

"Just... just remembering the fact that Lexi use to call me Ty..." a tear escaped his eyes. He removed his glasses and wiped it away.

"I... I'm so sorry... I didn't know..." I say.

"No it's fine..." he smiles at me and pulls me into a hug.


"Don't you even dare say what I think you are going to say Connor Joel Franta," Troye said.

"Are we there yet?" He asked jokinly.


We arrived in London and went to our hotel. We had to get ready quickly and then go to the venue of Phil's party.

We made it in time. I ran into the room in a navy pencil dress, white flats and my hair straight. I saw Phil and ran over and hugged him with no warning, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHILIP!"

"Ohmygod you scared the heck out of me Hayley!" Phil exclaimed.

"I know. I was meant to," I smile and see Dan come over. He hugs me before wrapping his arm around Phil's waist.

"Is she causing you trouble Phil?" Dan asked, smirking.

"Yes," Phil said, laughing.

"What?!" I exclaim, "He is a liar Dan!"

"Don't call thr birthday boy a liar," Dan said.

I feel someone pick me up and chuck me over my shoulder so I was upside down, "WHAT THE HELL WHO IS THAT OH MY GOD PUT ME DOWN!!"

"Never!" Joe's voice rang out.


"What the hell is going on?" I see Alfie aproach.


"NO I AM SO NOT!" Joe yells.


"Look your doing it wrong Joe!" Alfie grabs my legs and swing me over his shoulders and began to run around the hall manically.

"ALFIE!" I was laughing so much, "I SWEAR TO GOD!"

Alfie soon drops me and I land on the floor with a bump.

"GROUP SELFIE!" I hear Tyler yell. We go over to where he was standing on a step ladder and a selfie stick, "EVERYONE GET IN!"

I stood next to Phil and Joe next to me.  We soon all had the photo and then Joe took my hand, "I... I need to tell you something..."

"What..." he pulled me along the hall and outside.

"Joe..." I watched him pace around outside, "Joe what's wrong?"

"I can trust you... can't I?" He looked at me.

"I'm your neice Joe! Of course you can!" I go over to him, "Just... tell me what's wrong."

He breathes in and out at a fast pace, "Remember when Lexi was kidnapped..." i nod, "Well me and Connor were captured too. We were carried and the guard told us two 'faggots' to be quiet." Joe quoted with his fingers, "And I knew Connor had already reviled to the public that he was gay but with me... I kept questioning it. I have been out with so many girls... but that just made me question EVERYTHING!" I saw tears in his eyes.

"Joe..." I go over to him.

"Hayley.... I... I'm gay." He says.

"And that's fine Joe! You just need to tell everyon-"

"And I have a crush on Caspar."


Ooo Joe has a crush on Caspar!!

But will it go the other way round??

Hannah x

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