Chapter 36

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Australia was warm.

Very warm.

I held hands with my partner as we walked along the hot streets. I look to my left at Caspar. Visible sweat was pronounced on his forehead from the heat.

"You hot?" I say, smirking.

Caspar laughs before looking at me, "No kidding!"

"Err your hand is all sweaty!" I giggle, removing my hand from his and wipe it on my shorts, faking disgust.

"Ha ha funny, Joe," Caspar says. He looks up and smiles, "Look theres the hotel!"

"I'd say race you there but it is too hot," I sigh as we fasten our pace by a fraction.

As soon as we open the door, drama floods at us like the heat did.

Maybe we should have ran to see what the hell had gone on before.

"No!" We hear Troye snap, "Because thanks to you, she is having a panic attack!"

I look at Caspar and he looks as shocked as I did... and confused.

"And the only person we know that helps her out is Caspar who is back in England," Zoe finishes, obviously mad.

"Who said se were in London still?" I look at my boyfriend and smile as I see him jog over to Hayley.

"Help her Caspar..." I hear Alfie say to him.

"It's ok Hayley," I hear Caspar say as he crouches down in front of Hayley, blocking the sun from her eyes. She had her eyes squeezed closed in the corner and was visibly shacking.

"Take deep breathes and force yourself out. Deep breathes! In and out... in and out... just like that. Keep going."

I look at Zoe. She looked as though she night have an anxiety attack herself. I went over and hugged her, her head burying into my shoulder "It'll be ok," I say.

"I know... but what if it's not!" Zoe cries, removing her head from my shoulder.

"It will," I say, maybe a bit too much confidence in my voice. In all honesty, I had no idea if Hayley would be ok.

"You ok now Hayley?" Casapar's voice seemed happier and then he was chuckling. We turn around to see Hayley and Caspar hugging.

"So how come you were late for the flight?" Tyler asks.

"Oh... we were delayed."

"Because of?" Tyler pushed.

"Me and Caspar had an appointment..."

"WHERE!" Zoe exclaimed.

"Adoption centre..."

"Oh my god your adopting?!" Alfie says, wrapping his arms around Zoe's waist.

"We hoped to," I sighed.

"Wh-what happened?" Tyler asked as Caspar came over and took my hand and Hayley walked and was hugged by her parents.

"The women who owned the place hated us and... we found no one there. They were all just so... different. We want someone we instantly click with... like you did with Hayley and Dan and Phil did when Lexi was around." I say, the words flooding out my mouth.

"You will find someone Joe," I see Zoe smile, "I know you will."


So yeah... I haven't updated in a while have I?

I had no idea what to right and was caught up with other things.

Yep, that's my crappy excuse.

But seriously, school is stressy and crazy and it's my friends birthday tomorrow and I went rollerskating on Friday night.

Is that excuse still crap?

Ok i'll go.

My update pattern should be better now. I promise. And i it doesn't, come and find me and kill me.

Ok bye x

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