Chapter 14

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the hospital was awful. It smelt and it was white everywhere.

Connor stayed next to me. He held my good hand, "You'll be ok; I promise."

"It hurts though Connor..." I feel tears fill my eyes, "it really hurts..." I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Hayley!" I hear the clatter of feet and then Alfie hugs me.

"Oww Alfie!!" I exclaim. He jumps back.

"Sorry..." I say, panicked.

"What went on?" Alfie asked, "What hurts?"

"My... h-hand." I stutter.

"Oh... sorry..." Alfie smiles at me weakly.

"I'd... I'd better call Tyler and Troye..." Connor splutters.

"Already here," Tyler smiles.

"Yeah, Zoe rang us and came and picked us up on the way here," Troye smiled.

I tried to sot up to look for Seth but my hand gave way and I slipped back into bed with all my efforts.

"You ok?" Zoe looks at me, confused

"Is... is Seth ok?" I ask.

Connor looks at me sadly, "He's not in here."

"What... where is he then??" I exclaim.

"In a different ward..." Connor sighed.

"WHAT?" I was mad. I knew I was over reacting but I couldn't hold it in.

"Hey, hey, hey! Calm down gurl!" Tyler smiles.

"I'm sorry..." I sank into my clingy duvet, "I'm just worried..."

"I know you are hun," Alfie puts his hand on my shoulder.

A nurse comes over to us, "We have assessed your wounds, Miss Deyes and we have decided you will need stitches."

"St-stitches..." I stutter.

"Yes, it's the easiest and quickest way to heal your cuts," the nurse says.

I look at Alfie. I think he saw the fear in my eyes, "You'll be fine, trust me."

"I... I don't like stitches..." I stutter.

"Hayley, you'll be fine..."

"You don't get it Alfie!" I exclaim. I breathe in and out calming myself down before I spoke calmly, "My mom... she had to have stitches. But they got infected and they weren't treated properly... and they were mostly the reason for her illness... the stitches made her ill Alfie... and if they were treated... I might still have my parents today..."

Alfie looked shocked, "Hayley I'm so sorry I never knew..."

"I know you didn't..." I sigh, "No one did... it was my s-secret..."

Alfie hugged me. The nurse suddenly coughed for attention, "As 'upsetting' that story may be, stitches are the only option here."

I look at Alfie and he looks at the nirse, "Come on, there has to be another way-"

"I'm a nurse, not a fucking mirical!" The nurse snaps, "And I know more about this than you so if ya'll excuse me!"

"Bitch don't give my friend that attitude," Tyler snaps, "He just got engaged to his lovely fiancé and adopted this honey. If you aren't careful, you can face being reported."

"I don't give a shit if he just got engaged. I don't give a shit if they just adopted; I just think they should have adopted some other girl," everyone gasps, "And as far as I am aware, get out my ward NOW!"

They all stare at her, "You can't make us leave," Troye snaps, "And what you said was cruel and-"

"I can and I will! GET OUT!" She yells.

Slowly they get up and leave. Why didn't they fight to stay? Why did Alfie do nothing to protect me?

Connor looked back at me before closing the door and I was left with her, "Good." She smiled. She roughly grabbed my hand and took a needle, "I'm meant to numb your hand but fuck it," and she began to sew.

I yelled out in pain. I might as well as had more knifes pressed into my skin; that's what it felt like anyway.

The same paramedic as earlier came bursting through the ward door, "Maria! What the fu-hell are you doing to that poor girl?!"

"Sewing her up," she snarled.

"Did you numb her hand..." the paramedic asked.

"Of course I did..." she said innocently.

"Of course you did. That's why she screamed in pain and is fighting back tears."

"She's just being a wuss."

"Maria! Do not call a patient a wuss! Now get out!" The paramedic yells.

Maria gets ip abruptly. She jabs the needle into my hand one more time causing me to yell out in pain, and then storms out the room.

The paramedic rushes over, "i'll deal with her later; so why was she being like that?" He asked.

"I told her I didn't like needles because my mom had stitches and they got infected and they weren't treated correctly and then she became ill..."

"I'm sorry," he said. He took the needle out my hand and then got the injection to numb my hand. He then stands up, "Do you want me to bring your family back in?"

I nod weakly and he goes off to get them.

I don't know what happened but all I remember is the clatter of doors opening, someone yelling my name and then me seeing black.

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