Chapter 32

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*2 days later*
Alfie woke up a day ago. We were all happy. I remember crying as Alfie's eyes fluttered over. I hugged him and he laughed.

"Nice to see you too Hayley," he smiled as I carried on crying.

My brother tried to talk to me about the whole thing, but I declined it at all costs.

"Leave me alone Martin!" I yell.

"Let me speak Hayley! Give me a chance!"

"No! Leave me alone Martin you creep!" I yell again.

"ALFIE IS FINE NOW! He is awake and alive! That is all that matters!"

"No it's not! Ok, my dad is alive but if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be mad at you any more than I am now! You are an idiot Martin, and I never want to see you again, you monster!" I yell and begin to walk off.

Martin grabs my shoulder, "You don't mean any of that..."

"Yes I do Martin. I mean every word I said and you should too." I snap and run back to the ward.
*Flashback ends*

"Hayley," my uncle comes over.

"Oh hi Joe," I smile.

"Look, Martin talked to me... he wants to talk to you properly." He says.

"I... no," I say.

"Why?" Joe asks,

"He almost killed Alfie! Alfie could be dead now and it would be all his fault!" I say.

"I know Hayley," i look up and look at Alfie, "But please can you talk to him? Maybe you can find out what happened and why he was driving like a dick-head."

I sigh, "Ok."

I get up and go into the corridor where I see my brother sitting on a bench in his hospital uniform, head in hands.

"Martin?" Martin looks at me, "I want you to tell me what the hell is going on."

"Ok..." i look at my brother as he turns to me and speaks, "I... I don't know how to explain this."

"Well you better explain it," I say.

"Ok. You know Dave... the one that is trying to kill you... he is our uncle."

"Uncle?" I repeat.

"Yeah. And he... he had threatened me Hayley."

"Ok what has this got to do with anything?" I yell.

"He is making me hurt you... he made me drive into your car." He says.

I stare at him, "I'm... I'm gonna kill him!" I yell, punching the bricked wall and instantly regretting it as I hear a crack and my hand begins to bleed and pain shoots threw my hand.

"Hayley! Are you ok?" My brother asks, coming over to me.

I shake my head, "It hurts..."

"Come on, let me take you back to the ward your family is in... I can clean the wound and you can tell them about all of this."

I nod and we go back into the room. Everyone was shocked when I told them but accepted it.

"We need to find Dave," Alfie says, "And he needs to be arrested."

I nod.

This had gone too far.


New chapter!!!

Enjoy ☺️

Adopted by ZalfieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora