Chapter 17

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"And I have a crush on Caspar."

oh my god did I just tell my 14 year old niece I had a crush on my roommate?!

What if she hates me?
What if she tells Caspar?
What if she thinks I am a crazy?
What i she tells everyone?

"Joe?" Her voice made me look up. I was shacking and felt my palms go all clammy.

"Joe your having a panic attack..." she ran over to me and pulled me into a hug, "Just take deep breaths yeah?"

I felt myself go numb. My head was spinning. I couldn't breathe.

Everything went black.

"JOE!" i yell as the faint sounds of people singing Happy birthday to Phil rang out from the hall.

Joe was in my arms, passed out.

I had to get someone to help.

"Happy birthday dear Phil-"

"HELP!" I yell at the top of my voice.

I hear the clatter of feet and then see Zoe appear at the door, "Oh my god Hayley what happened to Joe??" She stood where she was as Caspar ran over to where I was standing, "What happened?"

"He had a panic attack... he passed out..." I looked at Caspar who looked like he had been crying, "You ok Caspar?"

He looks at me, "Y-yeah..."

He takes Joe in his arms and we go back into the hall.

When Caspar sat Joe down, he looked at me, "What was Joe even talking about?"

I shook my head, "I told Joe I wouldn't tell anyone."

"Hayley, it might help us..."

"You don't get it Caspar..." I mumble. I look at Joe who was still unconscious.

"What do you mean... was Joe talking about me?" he exclaimed.

"Caspar I can't answer that."


"I never even told you it involved you!" I exclaimed, "It is just private between me and him..."

"BUT I NEED TO KNOW!" He yelled.

I watched Marcus run over. He put his hands on his shoulders "Mate your drunk! Just calm down!"

"I CAN'T CALM DOWN IF THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT ME!" Caspar yelled. He pushed Marcus off him and ran out the hall.

I looked at Marcus. He looked startled as he lay on the floor.

"I..." I ran out after Caspar.

I soon found him at a near by bench, with his head in his hands. I sat next to him, "I'm sorry Caspar."

I looked at him where he was looking at me, "I just... I just want to know what he was on about. Thing is... Hayley can I trust you?"

Oh god this was how Joe started...

"Of course you can!" I say.

"Remember when Lexi was kidnapped?" I nodded, not this story again. "Well Joe and Connor were kidnapped too. That was because I wasn't with them 'cos I wanted coffee. I was scared shit when me and Tyler couldn't find him. I mean, he was my friend. Should I have been worried as much as I was? That was when I began to question my sexuality..."

"Caspar it's alright I promise..."

"Hayely... I'm gay and I love Joe. That's why I got so worked up!"

I stare at Caspar, "You have to tell him."

"What?!" Caspar exclaims, standing up, "Hayley he might not even like me in the same way!"

I wanted to tell Caspar that Joe did love him. But I promised Joe, "I'll tell him."

Caspar looks at me, "But he might hate me! He is probably straight anyway!"

I smile, "Are you sure?"

Caspar raises a eye-brow, "Hang on... is that what you were talking about..."

I shrug, "I dunno."

"YOU DO! YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT ME!" Caspar said excitedly.

"Calm down yeah?" I laugh, "i'll go talk to Joe."

"Ok..." and I run back to the hall.

"I'LL BE AT THE BAR!" Caspar yells.

I go in and run to marcus who was sitting at a table with Zoe and Alfie, "Yo do you know where Joe is?"

"Male toilets," Marcus said as he took a sip of beer.

"Why?" Zoe asks.

"emergency..." and I run to the toilets.

"Joe!" I knock on the male doors; no way was I going in there.

A conscious Joe comes to the door, "Hayley I am so sorry about earlier I..."

"I have really really important news Joe." I blurt out.

Joe raises an eye-brow, "What?"

"Caspar wanted to know why you was unconscious. He got upset that I didn't tell him what we were talking about and ran off. I went after him... turns out that Caspar feels the same way about you Joe." Joe gasps, "And here I am telling you after Caspar agreed to let me tell you. Joe you need to talk to him."

"Wh-where is he?" Joe asks.

"I think he is at the bar..." Joe pushes past me and runs to the bar.

I ran to the bar and saw Caspar. I ran and put my hands on his shoulders, "Hey buddy!"

"Joe!" Caspar hugs me. I keep hugging him until I pull away, "Caspar... we need to talk."

Caspar's face fell, "oh..."

I grab his hand and pull him away from the bar. I pull him outside, "Hayley came to me just then... Caspar do you really love me?"

Caspar blushes, "I know... it-it's weird. We are roommates and I am... I am crushing on you. I mean, you probably don't even feel the same I-"

I cut him off by kissing him. Caspar seemed surprised as I pulled away, "I... I'm sorry..." I mumble, looking at my feet.

I feel a finger under my chin and my eyes make contact with Caspar's. His blue eyes were shinning, "I love you Joe..." Caspar said.

"I love you too Caspar..." and we kiss again as Caspar takes my black snap-back off my head and put's it on his.

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