Chaptet 42

444 17 9

I looked at Seth's plate and sighed. He was digging into his meal happily; cutting his steak and eating it. I wasn't hungry though. That's why I just had the quiche and a side of salad. The meal was just enough for me to consume.

"You ok Hayley?" I looked at Seth's crystal eyes. I smile weakly, "I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine... you're hardly eating."

"I'm fine, honest," I say weakly, "I'm just not hungry."

Seth nods and stands up, "We should go on a walk around the harbour."

I look at him, "We'll get lost."

"And if we do... we ask someone. Let's go on an adventure Hayley," Seth says. He puts his hand out and I take it, and we walk out of the cafe.


We get to the harbour and we lean over the rails of the bridge as we hold our ice-creams, "This is such a pretty view." I sigh.

"Come on," Seth lets go of my hand and gives me his ice-cream. He then hauls himself over the fence and sits down, his legs dangling over the edge, and takes our ice-creams, "Your turn Hayley."

I sigh again and carefully duck between the poles and get to the other side and sit myself down carefully, trying not to fall off the very narrow ledge between the rails and the water in the harbour.

I take my ice-cream back and begin to lick at it again, "This view is even better."

Seth smirks and leans back, "I know."

We look out into the ocean and sit there for ages, "We better get back to the hotel," Seth says, standing up. He climbs back over the fence and rubs the top of my head, "Your turn Hayley."

I giggle and go to stand up. I put my left foot down but it is a loose rock and I tumble back into the sea, I scream as I fall.

As I land in the ocean, I swim up, spluttering and gasping for air heavily as I look up at Seth, "ARE YOU OK?!" He yells down in panic.

"Yeah-" I was interrupted by the sound of a horn. I look and see it.

A boar was approaching me fast.

I needed to move but I felt paralysed, just treading water over and over.

"HAYLEY MOVE!" Seth yells as he runs down from the bridge, "YOU'LL BE KILLED!"

I couldn't move. I just looked out.


I see a rope suddenly land next to me, "Grab on!" A voice yells. I hold it weakly as I am towed towards the side as the boat comes past, passengers looking over at me.

I look up and see Seth and another boy holding their hands out as I reach the side. I lift my arms up and they pull me up onto the land, "What were you thinking Hayley; not moving!"

"Hey chill out dude!" The stranger laughs.

"Don't tell me what to do," Seth snaps.


I stand up and grab my bag which Seth held before walking off, "HAYLEY!"

"Leave me alone. I'm going back to the hotel," and I strop off.


I get back to the hotel. As I approach, I see my parents and uncle were still in the pool. I roll my eyes before making my way over, "Hi."

"Hayley what happened?!" Joe asked.

"What do you mean 'what happened?'" I ask.

"You're soaking wet!" Zoe says.

"I fell into the harbour," I say.

"And where's Seth?" Alfie asks.

"Just leave it," I sigh, "I don't want to talk about it," and I walk off to my room to have a well deserved shower.


I get out the shower and study my arm. I had never cut before... today was my first surprisingly.

I look into the mirror and watch the tears in the corner of my eyes leak down my cheeks. I remove my make-up and pull my loose crop top and black leggings. I tie my hair up and put on a hoodie and put my trainers on.

I'm going to find Tyler.

I get up and leave my room, going on a  search for room 267, the room Tyler was in. I soon find it on the floor below and knock the door.

A tired Tyler opens the door, "Hayley?"

"Err... hi..." I say. I scratch at my arm.

"Hayley... what the fuck?" He says

"What the fuck what..." I look down and see the sleeve of my light grey hoodie now dyed red, "Tyler I can explain..."

"I think you need to," Tyler says. He then grabs his phone, "I just need to go to the bathroom..."

"With your phone?" I ask.

"ye..." he says quickly and locks the door.

I click on Alfie's name.

It rings out twice, "Tyler? What's up?!"

"Alfie... come to my room... it's an emergency... come with Zoe..."

"Zoe's with Joe at the sec... what's up Tyler?"

"It's Hayley... I think... I think she's started cutting."

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