Chapter 19

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Me and Zoe run down the stairs. Zoe had the look of glee on her face, "This is the first time I have seen my second cousin in six years!" She exclaimed as we ran past the guinea pigs and to the front door.

In the porch was a girl. She had brown hair and I recognised her from somewhere...

"Hayley, this is my second cousin Grace..."

Grace. She was two years above me at my old school... before she moved to Scotland.

"Oh hey Hayley," Grace smiled at me. Her braces had been removed, "Been adopted then yeah?"

"Yeah..." I look at Zoe.

"Oh... you two know each other?" Zoe questions.

"Yes," Grace said innocently, "She was my friend."

I stayed quiet. Me and Grace were never friends.

Me and Grace were on bad terms.

Because Grace use to beat me up and bully me.

*flashback to 2 years ago*
"YOUR SUCH A CRY BABY!" Grace's voice rang in my ears as she slapped me.

"What did I ever do to you Grace?!" I begged.

"You did everything! You have ruined my life!" She yelled.

"Your only doing this to make you look strong!" I yell, "And popular!"

"Oh spare me the air," Grace laughs, "Your such a wuss, orphan!"

I felt my chest go tight before I was kicked. I fell to my knees and looked at Grace, "Go kill yourself orphan," and she walks away.
*End of flashback*

I step away from where Grace was approaching me, "Nice to see you again Hayley."

I said nothing. As she stepped closer, I stepped back.

"Hayley! Say hi to your third cousin!" Zoe says.

I shake my head, "No..."

Zoe looks taken a-back, "Hayley! What is wrong with you?!"

"I just don't want to talk to her!" I exclaim.

I watch as Grace puts a bit of gum in her mouth, "It's fine Zoe. I'm use to Hayley being this selfish."

"Selfish?!" I gasp, "Your the selfish one!"

"HAYLEY!" Zoe was getting angry. I didn't care.

"You made me feel worthless Grace! You hurt me and made me feel like crap. I... I hate you! I HATE YOU GRACE!" And I run off.

I run to my room and lie back on my bed. I feel the tears escape my eyes. I hear the door creek open, "Just go away!"

I sit up and see Nala. I look at her in the eyes and beckon her to come up. She hesitates at first but soon jumps up. In the end, I decide to go out penny-boarding and meet Seth.

I get changed into black leggings, a SuperDry hoodie, beanie and random top. I put mascara on and then grab my penny board and run down the stairs.

I go to the front door and about to open the door when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn sharply and see Alfie.

"What do you want Alfie?" I ask.

"Look, I have no idea what happened in the past between you and Grace-"

"Of course you don't!" I exclaim, "No one does."

"Hayley... look. Maybe if you told us..."

"I'm not a snitch," I snap, "Look, I'm going out. I'm not coming back for a while. I need to get away from her."

I open the door and push my way out.

"Wait! Where are you going?" He yells.

"God knows... probably Starbucks," I yell back angrily, "But DON'T follow me."


"So what even is wrong with you two?" Seth asks, stirring his drink with his straw.

"Everything," I sigh, taking a sip, "We just... we had a very rough time at school."

"Is that so?" Seth says, taking a sip too though his straw.

I nod, "She bullied me. And hurt me bad."

"Awe babe..." he put his hands on my hands, "You should tell someone..."

I stand up quickly. Seth looks at me, "I... I need some fresh air..." I stammer and walk towards the door.

I step outside and breathe in and out. I then feel someone grab my wrist. I turn and see her. Grace.

"Wh-what do you want..." I stammer.

"To finish you off, orphan." She pulls me towards the alley way.

"GET OFF ME!" I yell.

"I don't want you to be part of my family," Grace snarls, "And the way to stop that is to make Alfie not marry Zoe." She says and knee's me in the stomach.

"What have you got against Alfie?!" I cry.

"Everything. He stole Zoe from our family."

"He did nothing! He loves Zoe!"

"I don't care!" She punches me. She then holds my face and looks at me, "Nothing happened here ok?" And then she punched me and I fell to the ground, unconscious.

Adopted by ZalfieWhere stories live. Discover now