Chapter 45

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The plane was a long journey. I sat looking out of the window looking into space. The clouds were like a blanket so I could see the sky perfectly.

I sighed and lent my head on Alfie's shoulder. He pulled me into a hug before passing me his phone, "Take a picture of the plane wing yeah? I want it for snapchat."

I nod and take a picture. Alfie thanks me and then added a caption, putting a filter to go with it and then posting it before turning back to editing his new video.

I knelt on my chair and rest my head on Joe's head who was in front of me. He was also editing his new video with Zoe and had Caspar hugging him too.

"You two are the most adorable couple ever," I say, "After my parents and phan."

"Phan?!" Caspar exclaims, "We could beat phan any day!"

"Yeah right," I giggle and look to the row in front of them. There was Zoe and Seth. Seth and Alfie would swap places later so we could talk too.

I leant back in my seat and enjoyed the view. It was pretty to be honest. And the sun was just setting now too.

I closed my eyes slowly before sleep engulfed me.


I wake up and Joe is smiling at me, "We're home."

"Great..." I groan. I stand up and the two of is go off and meet the other four who were with our bags already.

Zoe brings me into a tight hug, "I bet Nala and Pippin and Percy can't wait to see you," she beams.

I look at Seth as he takes my hand, "Ready?"



Ye so thats the end.

See you in the next book 😊

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