Chapter 24

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Where was I?
Was I dead?
Oh my god was I dying?
I don't want to die!
Zoe and Alfie's wedding is in 2 days!

Was I still in that dream?

"She has a broken arm..." I hear a doctor say, "And we are doing out best to open her air-ways fully. They are open about 75% so far."

(i am no doctor... this is me making stuff up. Go with it yeah?)

"When will she wake up?!" That was Alfie.

"We don't know. But we hope it should be before tea-time."

"We'll have to cancel the wedding..." Zoe says.

I had to wake up.

"What wedding?" The doctor asks, obviously curious.

"Me and Zo... we were getting married in two days."

"Well if she wakes up soon, we can do emergency cast work and she should be ok for tomorrow."

I had to wake up.
Come on Hayley!

I make my eye lids open slightly. The room was very white and Zoe was being held in Alfie's arms as she cried. A doctor... (the doctor from before when I was beaten up by Dave, the young paramedic)... was talking to them. And no one had seen me.

"Alfie..." I snapped my head in the direction of the voice had croaked out. The voice was groggy from her just waking up. And she had a oxygen mask on so that didn't help either.

I let go of Zoe and ran forward and brought her into a hug, "Oh my god baby girl... oh my god..." I was crying as I spoke.

She went to hug me back but as soon as she lifted her right arm, tensed and put my arm back down.

"Oh yeah, the doctor said you had a broken arm." I say.

She nods, "I heard."

Zoe came over and put her hand on top of Hayley's, "I'm so sorry..." she whispers.

"It's ok..." She smiles weakly.

Zoe gets her phone out, "I'd better call Joe - I think he was even more worried about you than all of us."

"Only slightly," I said, "Me and you weren't far behind." Hayley chuckles lightly making me smile as Zoe leaves the room.

A doctor comes over, "We have some news for you Miss. Deyes."

"Err... ok..." I say, worried.

"The wound on your hand which is from that stabbing, re-opened so we had to re-stitch it." I look at my hand and the dark stitches show off.

"Ok..." I say.

"Also, you have a large cut on your side. We are going to have to operate on it before we stitch it up."

I feel myself go cold. I don't want to be operated on. That is one of my worse fears.

I look at Alfie, "I don't want to Alfie..." I say.

"I know you don't honey but it will make you better..."

I lie back, "Ok... but can you get me something?"

"Anything," Alfie says, kneeling down next to me.

"A acoustic guitar..." I say. Alfie raises a eyebrow.

"I know it's weird but since I am here... I just need something to do. And I use to play guitar and I want to practice..."

"It's fine," Alfie says, "i'll get Zoe to ask Joe to bring one we have at our house on the way; Joe has a spare key to our house."

I nod and Alfie get's up and walks out. The doctor comes over, "For our records, Miss. Deyes, we need to know what happened to... your side."

I breathe in and out, "My parents... my real... they were murdered. The killer... the cut is where the killer's knife cut me. Doctors back then said the scar was permanent."

"Ok..." the doctor wrote it down, "We need to know your parents names."

"Wh-why..." I ask.

"For records," the doctor says. The doctor had to be in his early 20's. He had dirty blonde hair swept to one side and was very tanned.

"Err..." I felt sick, "Nancy and John Roberts."

I watched as the doctor dropped his clipboard, "Are you ok..." I say in shock.

"No..." he looks at me, "Nancy and John Roberts... and your Hayley Roberts? Are you sure?"

I nod, "well... Roberts was my last name. I'm not now, obviously... why?"

"I know it sounds crazy... but I think I'm your brother."

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