Chapter 34

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*Time skip to Sunday*
"Now have you got everything Alfie?"

"Of course I have Zoe!"

"Well you know last time you forgot your phone charger and had to borrow mine."

"That was only because you kept rushing me. Honestly Zo, I'm ready. HAYLEY ARE YOU READY?" I hear Alfie yell.

"YEAH!" I yell back. I pull the beanie on my head that had been lying on my bed and grab my suitcase and carry-on bag. Putting my bag over my shoulder, I head off out of my room and to the living room where Tyler and Troye were. They had arrived this morning together, ready for our 9am flight.

Currently, It was 6am and I flopped back on the sofa and yawned, "Someone is still tired then?" Tyler comments, looking at me.

I nod, "Wait till the het lag kicks in, gurl. You aren't even ready," Tyler adds as he laughs.

I smile and close my eyes, wanting to take a nap but forcing myself not to sleep. I had to be conscious to be able to get to the airport (duh). And anyway, I can sleep on the plane.

Alfie and Zoe come down the stairs with there suitcases. Alfie goes to the window and looks out, "Taxi's here," he calls out and we all stand up.

I stand up and everything goes dizzy. I grab a surface to steady myself, "You ok Hayley?" Troye asked, a hint of concern in his voice. I don't do anything but focus my breathing and stand up straight. I look up at everyone who was looking at me, "I... I'm fine," I say, grabbing my bag and smiling, "Let's go."


The airport was crammed. There was people everywhere so I stayed close to Zoe. She had a arm around me and was holding hands with Alfie to keep us together. Tyler and Troye stayed close behind.

Together, the five of us make it to airport security. Alfie and Zoe and Troye and me get through fine but when it got to Tyler, he set off the metal detector.

"Trust you Tyler, you muppet!" Alfie calls out. Tyler laughs as the male security guard pats Tyler down before saying sorry for the mistake and letting Tyler carry on.

"Oh my god was I the only one that thought he was so cute?" Tyler asks as we walk towards our stop where we sit down to wait for our plane to be called out.

"You think?" Troye raises a eye brow, "I personally didn't like his tattoos on his wrist."

"Nah they were cute!" Tyler exclaims, "I just want to go back and set the alarm off again..."

"Stop Tyler," Alfie laughs.

"I wasn't gonna say anything sexual Alfie," Tyler laughs.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Troye laughs, "Look I think I can see flying pigs out there..."

"Shut up," Tyler playfully hits Troye.

"Erm... excuse me?" We all look up to see a group of four girls. One with blonde hair was talking to us, "I.... we love your videos... could we have a picture with all of you please?"

"Sure," Alfie smiles and the four of them get up, "Come on Hayley," Alfie takes my hand, wanting to pull me up.

"Eww no! Why would we want her in the picture?" A second girl with red hair laughs, "She's not even pretty."

"Can you not say that about my daughter please," Alfie says as I sit down again, "And you said you wanted everyone."

"Why should we stop? Cos you'll get mad? She's just a slut and fat and-"

"STOP!" Tyler yells, "Do you know how disrespectful that could be! Hayley has feelings too! So I suggest you give her some respect."

"Of course she doesn't have feelings," the third one laughs, "She's a orphan..."

I stand up and begin to walk off, tears rolling down my cheeks "Hayley!" I hear someone call my name but I don't listen. I carry on walking to the toilets and lock myself in a stall.

I then begin to cry, tears rolling down my cheeks.
Was I really fat?
I wasn't a slut... was I?
"Of course she doesn't have feelings."

"She's an orphan..." I whisper, finishing off the sentence that was repeating itself in my head.

I hear someone walk in, "Hayley?" The voice calls. It was Zoe.

I say nothing. I wanted to be alone and, "I know your in this stall Hayley," I see Zoe's shoe under the door of the stall I was in.

I don't move. I push myself to sit further back on the toilet seat and put my feet up. I put my head on my knees and feel myself cry more.

"Hayley, please open up," Zoe's voice pleads.

I look up and sigh. I walk towards the door and open it. I see Zoe and then I feel myself fall onto her. Zoe staggers back but doesn't tell me to get off. She holds me and hugs me, rubbing one of her hands on the back of my head.

"Come on," Zoe lets go of me and puts her hand in mg hand, "Let's go catch that plane!"

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